

A case report of near term delivery after fertility preserving laparoscopic radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer and literature review
摘要 保留生育功能的宫颈癌根治术(广泛性宫颈切除术)已有近30年的历史,相关病例报道较少,而术后妊娠率和活产率一直备受关注。本文报道1例31岁宫颈癌ⅠB1期患者,在接受腹腔镜下广泛性宫颈切除术后最终成功妊娠,且在妊娠36周+3时行剖宫产术顺利分娩,并总结保留生育功能的宫颈癌根治术的相关文献,为临床治疗提供依据。 Fertility preserving radical hysterectomy(radical trachelectomy)for cervical cancer has a history of nearly 30 years.There are few related case reports,but the postoperative pregnancy rate and live birth rate have been concerned.This article reports a 31-year-old patient with cervical cancer stageⅠB1 who finally achieved pregnancy after laparoscopic radical trachelectomy,and cesarean section was performed at 36+3 gestational weeks.The relevant literature of radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer with fertility preservation is summarized to provide a basis for clinical treatment.
作者 董兆祥 孙姝 汪霆 卜秀华 DONG Zhaoxiang;SUN Shu;WANG Ting;BU Xiuhua(Department of Obstetrics,Dalian Women and Children’s Medical Center(Group),Liaoning Province,Dalian 116021,China)
出处 《妇儿健康导刊》 2023年第16期94-96,共3页 JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S HEALTH GUIDE
关键词 宫颈癌根治术 保留生育功能 腹腔镜 广泛性宫颈切除术 Radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer Fertility preserving Laparoscopy Radical trachelectomy
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