
中国式现代化的正义之维及其对西方的超越 被引量:6

The Justice Dimension of Chinese-style Modernization and Its Transcendence of the West
摘要 正义是衡量一个社会文明发展程度的重要标志,也是整个人类实现现代化不可或缺的元素。中国式现代化始终坚持人民为社会主体,在拓展社会发展空间、破解社会发展难题、科学利用资本以及促进社会全面进步中维护社会正义,这是对西方现代化片面追求资本增殖所造成社会正义缺失的超越。中国式现代化在促进全体人民共同富裕过程中,始终尊重全体人民地位平等和人格尊严,注重全体人民拥有平等机会参与现代化建设,在社会财富公平分配和社会发展成果共享中实现人际正义,这是对西方现代化贫富两极分化基础上人际正义缺失的超越。人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化强调在生态实践中坚持人的能动性与受动性的辩证统一,在树立人与自然共荣共生的科学理念、变革不合理的生产方式和消费方式以及在积极参与全球生态治理的基础上促进生态正义,这是对西方现代化以牺牲生态环境而造成生态非正义性的超越。走和平与发展道路的中国式现代化,坚持弘扬全人类共同价值直面国际交往困境,坚持以文明的交流互鉴超越文明的隔阂对抗,在积极推动建立新的世界体系中维护国际交往正义,这是对西方现代化走扩张与掠夺道路的国际交往非正义模式的超越。 Justice is an important symbol to measure the development of a society’s civilization and an indispensable element for all mankind to realize modernization.Chinese-style modernization always adheres to the principle of regarding people as the main body of society and maintains social justice in expanding social development space,solving social development problems,scientifically utilizing capital,and promoting overall social progress,which is a transcendence of the lack of social justice caused by the one-sided pursuit of capital proliferation in Western modernization.In the process of promoting the common prosperity of all people,Chinese-style modernization always respects the equality of status and personal dignity of all people,pays attention to all people’s equal opportunities to participate in modernization construction,and realizes interpersonal justice in the fair distribution of social wealth and the sharing of social development achievements,which is a transcendence of the lack of interpersonal justice based on the polarization between the rich and the poor in Western modernization.The Chinese-style modernization of harmonious co-existence between man and nature emphasizes the dialectical unity of human initiative and passivity in ecological practice,promotes ecological justice on the basis of establishing the scientific concept of co-prosperity and co-existence between man and nature,changing unreasonable production and consumption methods,and actively participating in global ecological governance,which is a transcendence of the ecological injustice caused by Western modernization at the expense of the ecological environment.Chinese-style modernization takes the path of peace and development,insists on promoting the common values of all mankind to face the difficulties of international exchanges,insists on transcending barriers and confrontations between civilizations through exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations,and safeguards justice of international exchanges while actively promoting the establishment of a new world system,which is a transcendence of the injustice model of international exchanges that takes the path of expansion and plunder in Western modernization.
作者 齐承水 QI Chengshui(School of Marxism,Northwestern Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710129,China)
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期19-28,共10页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目(22XKS024) 湖南省社科基金项目高校思想政治教育研究项目(21B28) 西安市社会科学规划基金重点项目(23ZD58)。
关键词 中国式现代化 社会正义 人际正义 生态正义 国际交往正义 Chinese-style modernization social justice interpersonal justice ecological justice justice of international exchanges
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