

Cement Production with Large Urban Waste Coordination Disposal Strategy
摘要 水泥生产消耗了大量的自然资源和能源,但同时也为城市发展做出了巨大贡献,随着城市发展,生活垃圾、飞灰和危险废弃物也快速增加,给城市的健康运营和人们的生活带来诸多不便。利用水泥生产中高温煅烧的优势对生活垃圾和危险废弃物进行协同处置的方法已被认为是对环境无害的处理方法,目前已在国内外多个城市应用和实践,均取得了很好的成效。像上海这样的超大型城市,更应考虑利用水泥窑协同处置这种成熟、先进的方法,加强对危险废弃物托底处置能力的建设,保障城市运营的持久健康,提升突发疫情、灾害性事件等期间城市危险废弃物应急处置能力。 Cement production consumes significant natural resources and energy,while it contributes to urban development and modernization.With the development of cities,domestic waste,fly ash and hazardous waste increase rapidly,which inconveniences the city's healthy operation and people's lives.The method of coordination disposal of garbage and hazardous waste using the advantages of high-temperature calcination in cement product ion has been used as an environmentally harmless treatment method,and has been applied and practiced in many cities domestically and abroad,and has achieved positive results.Super large cities such as Shanghai shall consider the use of mature and advanced methods such as coordination disposal of cement kilns to treat the construction of the disposal capacity of hazardous waste,ensuring the lasting health of urban operations,improving the emergency disposal capacity of urban hazardous waste during emergencies and disastrous occasions.
作者 宋华 SONG Hua(Shanghai Building Materials Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200032,China)
出处 《上海建材》 2023年第4期35-39,共5页 Shanghai Building Materials
关键词 水泥窑协同处置 城市 飞灰残渣 危险废弃物 coordination disposal of cement kiln city fly ash residue hazardous waste
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