
破解流转地保护困境:经营权稳定性对农户保护性实践的影响研究 被引量:2

Solution to Protection Dilemma of Transferred Farmland:The Influence of Management Right Stability on Farmers’Conservation Practice
摘要 研究目的:探讨稳定经营权促进农户保护性实践的效应和路径,为破解“流转地保护困境”提供参考。研究方法:以南方稻区农户采纳绿肥稻作系统为耕地保护实践案例,从农地流转周期和流转合同类型两个维度建立经营权稳定性测度指标,估计稳定经营权对农户采纳行为的影响效应和机制。研究结果:(1)延长农地流转周期能有效促进农户采纳绿肥轮作系统,流转周期每增加1年,农户采纳概率提高3.3%;(2)与口头协议相比,书面合同对农户行为具有更大促进作用,若将口头协议转变为书面合同,农户采纳率将提高32.9%;(3)农地流转周期与流转合同类型在影响农户行为方面存在显著的正向交互作用;(4)经营权稳定性对不同特征农户的影响存在一定分化,其更有利于激励具备较高文化水平、拥有稻田作业机械和具有高认知能力的农户实施采纳行为;(5)延长农地流转周期和签订书面合同主要通过提升农户可持续收益期望来促进其采纳行为。研究结论:建议延长农地流转周期和签订正式书面合同以稳定流转地经营权,以宣传教育改变农户短视行为从而提升承租户可持续收益期望水平,同时还要注重不同特征群体行为响应的分化以探索差异化的流转地保护之策。 The purposes of this paper are to probe the effect and path of stabilizing the management right to promote the conservation practice of farmers,and to provide the references for solving the“transferred farmland protection dilemma”.The research methods are as follows.Based on the data collected in the southern China,and taking farmers’adoption of green manure-rice cropping system(RGRS)as a case of farmland conservation practice,this study establishes a measure index for the stability of farmland management right from two dimensions of farmland transfer cycle(FTC)and transfer contract type(TCT),and estimates the effect and mechanism of stable management right on farmers’behavior.The research results show that:1)prolongation of FTC can effectively promote the adoption of RGRS by farmers,and the adoption probability increases by 3.3%with the increase of FTC for one year.2)Compared with oral agreement,written contract plays a greater role in promoting farmers’decision making.If oral agreement is changed into written contract,farmers’adoption rate increases by 0.329.3)The FTC and the TCT have a significant and positive interaction effect on the behavior of farmers.4)The influence of management right stability on farmers with different characteristics is differentiated,suggesting that it was more conducive to the adoption behavior of farmers with higher education level,paddy field operation machinery and higher cognition of the service function of RGRS.5)The extension of FTC and the establishment of written contracts promote the adoption of RGRS by raising farmers’expectation of sustainable income.In conclusion,it is suggested to extend the FTC and sign formal written contracts to stabilize the management right of transferred farmland,to change the short-sighted behaviors of farmers through publicity and education that improve the sustainable income expectation level of tenants,and to pay attention to the differentiation of behavioral responses of farmers with different characteristics to explore differentiated strategies for the protection of transferred farmland.
作者 李福夺 张康洁 刘焦南 尹昌斌 LI Fuduo;ZHANG Kangjie;LIU Jiaonan;YIN Changbin(State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Arable Land in Northern China/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;Rural Development Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China;Business School,Zhengzhou Technology and Business University,Zhengzhou 451450,China)
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期30-41,共12页 China Land Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“生态补偿与乡村绿色发展协同推进体制机制与政策体系研究”(18ZDA048) 国家现代农业产业技术体系—绿肥体系(CARS-22) 中国社会科学院博士后创新项目“农户绿色生产的动力机制与政策保障研究”。
关键词 流转地保护困境 农地流转周期 流转合同类型 绿肥稻作系统 采纳行为 protection dilemma of transferred farmland farmland transfer cycle(FTC) transfer contract type(TCT) green manure-rice cropping system(RGRS) adoption behavior
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