目的了解国内外俯卧位通气领域的研究热点,为我国更好地开展俯卧位通气临床研究提供参考。方法检索中国知网和Web of Science核心合集数据库,应用CiteSpace 6.1软件对2000-2022年关于俯卧位通气研究的发文量、主要发文国家和机构、关键词等进行可视化分析。结果最终纳入文献3390篇,其中中文文献1657篇,英文文献1733篇。关于俯卧位通气研究的发文量总体呈增长趋势,主要发文国家是美国、英国、意大利,国内外均关注俯卧位通气在急性呼吸道疾病和新型冠状病毒感染患者中的应用,对重症患者氧合指数的改善和病死率的影响,而国内研究还关注其在儿童中的作用及俯卧位通气过程中肠内营养的管理。结论俯卧位通气领域的研究呈不断发展的趋势,但依然存在不足,我国研究者可借鉴国外研究,进一步结合临床实践,以推动我国在该领域的研究发展。
Objective To analyze the research status of prone ventilation at home and abroad,so as to provide references for domestic research.Methods The literature on prone ventilation were searched in Web of Science Core Collection and China National Knowledge Network database with the time set from 2000 to 2022.The CiteSpace 6.1.R6 software was employed to make a visual analysis of the number of published papers,its national and regional distribution,publishing journals,authors,research institutions and keywords.Results A total of 3390 articles were included,including 1657 in Chinese and 1733 in English.The number of papers published on prone ventilation showed an increasing trend in general,the main published countries were the United States,France and Italy.Attention has been paid to the application of prone ventilation in patients with acute respiratory diseases and novel coronavirus infection,and its impact on the improvement of oxygenation index and mortality in severe patients.Domestic studies have also focused on its role in children and the management of enteral nutrition during prone ventilation.Conclusion The research on prone position ventilation is developing continuously,but there are still shortcomings.Chinese researchers can learn from foreign researchers to further improve the research in this field.
PENG Yangyao;HU Fen;XU Dandan;HUANG Jingjing(Health Science Center,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,China)
Chinese Clinical Nursing