1TrevorW.Pureell, "Indigenous Knowledge and Applied Anthropology: Questions of Definition and Direetion", HumanOrganization, ABI/INFORM Global, 57 (3), pp.258-272, Fall 1998.
2Raymond Firth, " Engagement and Detachment, Reflections on Applied Social Anthropology to Social Affairs", Human organization, 40 (3), p.194, 1981.
3Kathleen Cough, "Anthropology: Child of Imperialima", Monthly Review, 19 (11), pp. 12 - 27, 1974.
4Bronislaw Malinowski, "The Rationalization of Anthropology and Administration", Africa, 3 (4), pp.405 -406, 1930.
5Trevor W.Pureell, "Indigenous Knowledge and Applied Anthropology: Questions of Definition and Direction", Human Organization, ABI/INFORM Global, 57 (3), pp.258-272, Fall 1998.
6Curtis M. Hinsley, "Anthropology as Science and Politics: The Dilemmas of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1879 to 1904", in WalterGoldschrnidt, (ed.)The Uses of Anthropology 11, Washington, DC: American Anthropological Association, pp.15- 28, 1979.
7Clifford Geertz, Local Knowledge : Further Essays in Interpretive Culture, New York: Basic Books, p.1, 1983.
8TrevorW.Purcell, "Indigenous Knowledge and Applied Anthropology: Questions of Definition and Direction" , HumanOrganization, ABI/INFORMGIobal, 57 (3), pp.258-272, Fall 1998.
9Margaret Mead, "Anthropological Contributions to National Policies During and Immediately After World War II" . in Walter Goldschmidt, (ed.), The Uses of Anthropology 11, pp.145-157.Wazhington, DC: American Anthropolngical Association, p.146, 1979.
10Margaret Mead, Cultural Patterns and Technical Change, Paris: UNE.S(X), 1953.