

Investigating the Fish Diversity in Backbone Rivers of Shanghai Based on Environmental DNA Matabarcoding
摘要 为了解淀浦河、川杨河、大治河、金汇港、龙泉港等5条上海市骨干人工河流鱼类物种多样性及群落结构状况,于2021年6月(夏季)和11月(秋季)经过水样采集、eDNA抽滤和提取、12SrRNA遗传标记扩增、高通量测序与生物信息分析等分析流程。结果显示,两次调查共从5条骨干河流的20个断面中检测到80种鱼类,排除10种因厨余废物流入河道而被检出的海洋种类,实际栖息的可能有70种,隶属于10目22科55属,包括国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)和5种外来物种。夏季和秋季检出鱼类分别为48种和62种,每条河流平均35.2种和44.0种。但20个断面夏季的Chao1指数和ACE指数均大于秋季均值,而Shannon指数和Simpson指数均值均小于秋季。夏、秋两季共同的优势种为刀鲚(Coilia nasus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)。Jaccard相似性分析显示,断面间相似性最好的龙泉港表现为极相似,但表现最差的大治河也为中等相似。Cluster聚类和NMDS排序分析显示,5条河流可分为显著差异的3组,即龙泉港、金汇港和除Z1断面外的大治河各断面为组Ⅰ,川杨河和淀浦河各断面为组Ⅱ,Z1断面为组Ⅲ,刀鲚、鲫、大鳍鱊(Acheilognathus macropterus)是造成组间差异的主要分歧种。研究检出的鱼类物种数虽多于黄浦江干流已记录的物种数,但厨余废物流入河道也能被检出,可能存在一定的“假阳性”现象。尽管如此,eDNA宏条形码技术仍在城市河流鱼类多样性评估方面展现良好应用前景。 In order to understand the composition of fish species diversity and assemblage structure in the Dianpu river,Chuanyang river,Dazhi river,Jinhui river and Longquan river these 5 Shanghai backbone rivers,this paper carried out water collection,eDNA filtration and extraction,12SrRNA genetic marker amplification,high-throughput sequencing,bioinformatic analysis and other analysis processes in June(summer)and November(autumn)of 2021.The results showed that a total of 80 fish species were detected in 20 sections of 5 backbone rivers during the two surveys.Excluding 10 marine species that were detected due to kitchen waste flowing into rivers,70 species might actually inhabit,belonging to 10 orders,22 families and 55 genera.Including 1 species of second-class state protected fish-Myxocyprinus asiaticus and 5 invasive species.48 and 62 fish species were detected in summer and autumn respectively,with an average of 35.2 and 44.0 species per river.Howerver,Chao1 index and ACE index of 20 sections in summer were higher than the average in autumn,while the mean values of Shannon index and Simpson index in summer were lower than those in autumn.The common dominant species in summer and autumn were Coilia nasus,Carassius auratus and Cyprinus carpio.Jaccard similarity analysis showed that Longquan river with the best similarity between sections was very similar,but the Dazhi river with the worst similarity was also medium similar.Cluster analysis and NMDS sequencing analysis showed that the 5 backbone rivers could be divided into 3 groups with extremely significant discrepancies.The Longquan river,Jinhui river and Dazhi river sections excluding Z1 were groupⅠ,the sections of the Chuanyang river and Dianpu river wereⅡ,and Z1 section was GroupⅢ.Coilia nasus,Carassius auratus and Acheilognathus macropterus were the main discriminating species causing the differences among the three groups.Although the number of fish species detected in this study was higher than that recorded in the main stream of the Huangpu River,food waste flowing into the river could also be detected,which might have some“false positive”phenomenon.Nevertheless,the eDNA matabarcoding technology still shows good application prospects in the assessment of fish diversity in urban rivers.
作者 张彦彦 唐文乔 陈振锋 龚珑 唐振 张亚 ZHANG Yan-yan;TANG Wen-qiao;CHEN Zhen-feng;GONG Long;TANG Zhen;ZHANG Ya(Shanghai Universities Key Laboratory of Marine Animal Taxonomy and Evolution,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources,Ministry of Education,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment,Shanghai 200003,China)
出处 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1433-1446,共14页 Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0900802) 上海市生态环境局淀浦河等骨干河道鱼类多样性调查及水生态健康评估(2021)。
关键词 上海骨干人工河流 eDNA宏条形码 鱼类多样性 群落结构 空间差异 Shanghai artificial backbone river eDNA metabarcoding fish diversity assemblage spatial differ-ence
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