

Sorrow for the Death of the Young and Humble:Kuangzhi and the Everydayness in Epitaphs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 中國古代墓誌名目繁多,壙誌作爲其中一種通常由親族撰寫而不托名筆的類型,頗能體現古代墓誌文個人化和日常性的書寫特徵。自唐代韓愈《女挐壙銘》以來,經由歸有光、錢謙益等明清文家的創作,壙誌在文體學脉絡及文人書寫傳統中,逐漸獲得相對獨立的類型特性。其中以子女及族中晚輩爲施用對象的一類作品,既繼承漢魏六朝抒寫“下流之悼”的哀辭傳統,又提升明清墓誌文在描寫個人情感和日常生活等方面的文學性。以壙誌爲對象,考察明清墓誌文的生活與情感表現,指向的是一個與徵史紀事、褒功述德的傳統歷史建構不同,而回歸一般生活、普遍情感的文學世界,這或可爲古代墓誌的文學研究提供某些思路,又不失爲從生活史的路徑來研究古代文學的一次嘗試。 Among many names of ancient Chinese epitaphs,kuangzhi is a special style usually written by relatives rather than celebrities,which highlights the personalization and everydayness in the writing of epitaphs.Under the influence of Nu Na's epitaph wrtten by Han Yu and the creation of literati in the Ming and Qing dynasties,such as Gui Youguang and Qian Qianyi,kuangzhi emerges as an independent type in the development of stylistics and the tradition of literati writing.The epitaphs written for sons,daughters and also junior generations,reflect a continuation of lament expressing sorrow for the death of the young and humble in Han,Wei and Six dynasties.These works focused on depicting personal feelings and daily lives,also show a promotion of literariness in epitaphs of the Ming and Qing dynasties.The study for the expression of life and emotion in the epitaphs,aims to show the ancient daily life and general emotion,rather than the traditional historical construction with recording and eulogizing.With this study,it is hoped that some instructive ideas for the literary studies of ancient epitaphs can be provided,and also expected to demonstrate the feasibility of studying classical literature through lifehistory.
作者 龔宗傑 Gong Zongjie
出处 《中华文史论丛》 CSSCI 2023年第2期357-384,410,共29页 Journal of Chinese Literature and History
基金 上海市浦江人才計劃(21PJC019)資助。








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