
基于认知行为理论构建肺癌病人戒烟管理方案 被引量:3

Construction of smoking cessation management program for lung cancer patients based on cognitive behavior theory
摘要 目的:以认知行为理论为视角,构建肺癌病人戒烟管理方案,为肺癌病人戒烟管理提供参考。方法:通过文献研究法,初步拟订肺癌病人戒烟管理方案初稿,运用德尔菲法对15名专家开展2轮专家函询,根据专家意见修改形成肺癌病人戒烟管理方案终稿。结果:2轮专家函询积极系数均为100%,肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.51和0.62(均P<0.001)。第2轮专家函询专家判断依据、专家熟悉程度、专家权威系数分别为0.880,0.913,0.896。最终形成的肺癌病人戒烟管理方案包含5项一级指标、17项二级指标和31项三级指标。结论:以认知行为理论为视角构建的肺癌病人戒烟管理方案科学、可行,可为肺癌病人戒烟管理提供借鉴。 Objective:To construct smoking cessation management program for lung cancer patients from the perspective of cognitive behavior theory,and to provide references for smoking cessation management of lung cancer patients.Methods:The first draft of the smoking cessation management plan for lung cancer patients was drafted by literature research method.Two rounds of expert letter consultation with 15 experts were carried out with the Delphi method and the final draft of the smoking cessation management plan for lung cancer patients was revised according to expert opinions.Results:The positive coefficients of the two rounds of expert consultation were both 100%,and the Kendall coefficients were 0.51 and 0.62,respectively(P<0.001).In the second round of expert consultation,the expert judgment basis,expert familiarity and the values of expert authority coefficients are 0.880,0.913 and 0.896.The final smoking cessation management program for lung cancer patients included 5 first-level indicators,17 second-level indicators,and 31 third⁃level indicators.Conclusion:The smoking cessation management plan of lung cancer patients constructed from the perspective of cognitive behavior theory is scientific and feasible,which can provide reference for smoking cessation management of lung cancer patients.
作者 程岚 吴奕帆 王汇 顾芬 CHENG Lan;WU Yifan;WANG Hui;GU Fen(School of Medcine,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092 China)
出处 《护理研究》 北大核心 2023年第17期3099-3105,共7页 Chinese Nursing Research
基金 国家自然科学基金⁃青年科学基金项目,编号:71904144 上海高水平地方高校创新团队科研项目,编号:SHSMU_ZD(IX20212802) 上海交通大学医学院护理学科建设项目,编号:沪交医〔2021〕21号。
关键词 肺癌 认知行为理论 戒烟 吸烟 德尔菲法 lung cancer cognitive behavioral theory smoking cessation smoking Delphi method
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