
基于PSO–VIKOR的烧结配矿成本与能耗协同优化模型 被引量:4

Synergistic optimization model of sintering ore allocation cost and energy consumption based on PSO-VIKOR
摘要 烧结作为钢铁生产的主要能源消耗工序之一,在钢铁总能耗中约占10%.烧结工序能源主要来源于固体燃料,传统烧结优化配矿燃料配比通常由经验确定,未能实现原料类型与烧结过程燃耗的动态平衡.针对烧结过程的能量平衡,首先在已有化学成分、碱度、原料配比等约束条件的基础上,嵌入烧结能量平衡约束,构建了基于烧结能量平衡的烧结配料模型,最后采用粒子群算法进行求解,实现了烧结铁矿石、熔剂和燃料的协同优化.仿真结果表明,本文提出的基于PSO–VIKOR(Particle swarm optimization–multicriteria optimization and compromise solution)烧结优化配矿模型提高了烧结过程的能源利用率,在考虑烧结成本与质量的同时,实现了烧结过程的节能减排,有助于钢铁企业烧结低碳绿色发展. As one of the major energy-consuming processes in steel production,sintering accounts for approximately 10%of the total energy consumption of steel production.The energy consumed in the sintering process is mainly attributed to solid fuels.Additionally,in traditional sintering,optimized ore–fuel ratio is usually determined by experience,which fails to achieve a dynamic balance between raw material type and sintering process combustion consumption.In this study,we first analyze the complex physicochemical reaction processes,such as the decomposition of crystalline water,combustion of solid fuels,and oxidation and reduction of iron oxides in the sintering process,to understand the energy flow of the sintering process.We then set empirical parameters according to an actual sintering site,and we finally establish a sintering energy–mass balance model.Subsequently,the sintering energy balance constraint is embedded on the basis of the existing constraints of chemical composition,alkalinity,raw material ratio,etc.Additionally,the cost of sintering raw material is taken as the optimization target,after which a sintering batching model based on sintering energy balance is constructed;the penalty function method is used to transform the constrained problem into an unconstrained one;finally,the actual furnace charge structure of a certain steel plant is solved by using the particle swarm algorithm(PSO)to realize completely automatic dosing of sintering iron ore,flux and fuel.The simulation results show that the optimized sintering ore allocation based on the proposed PSO algorithm-led optimal sintering ore allocation model results in a suitable fuel ratio and increased energy efficiency of the sintering process.The optimal sintering ore allocation method is a compromise of various conflicting objectives;therefore,the solved ore allocation scheme is taken as the object,and the four indicators TFe,cost,S content,and solid fuel usage are integrated;additionally,the weights of each indicator are objectively obtained by using the entropy weight method according to the dispersion degree of data and information entropy of each indicator,under the principle of considering the balance of group benefit maximization and individual regret minimization.The VIKOR(Multicriteria optimization and compromise solution)method is used for compromise ranking and preference of the scheme.The final results confirm that the proposed PSO–VIKOR sintering ore allocation optimization model achieves energy saving and emission reduction in the sintering process while considering the sintering cost and quality,which is expected to help in low-carbon green development and sustainable evolution of sintering in iron and steel enterprises and achieve the double carbon target.
作者 马云飞 李擎 张建良 刘征建 郭锋 王耀祖 MA Yunfei;LI Qing;ZHANG Jianliang;LIU Zhengjian;GUO Feng;WANG Yaozu(School of Automation and Electrical Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;School of Intelligence Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1868-1877,共10页 Chinese Journal of Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52204335) 北京科技大学青年教师学科交叉研究项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)资助项目(FRF-IDRY-22-004)。
关键词 烧结优化配矿 烧结能质平衡 多准则决策 冶金智能制造 数字孪生模型 sintering optimal ore allocation sintering energy–mass balance multi-criteria decision making metallurgical smart manufacturing digital twin model
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