
数字平台技术赋能贵阳市对外贸易发展的实践逻辑、现实挑战与推进策略 被引量:1

Practical Logic,Practical Challenges and Promotion Strategies of Digital Platform Technology Empowering the Development of Foreign Trade of Guiyang
摘要 推进对外贸易高质量发展是贵阳市打造内陆开放型经济新高地先行区的重要目标之一,而数字平台技术有助于贵阳市对外贸易在数字经济背景下主动融入新发展格局。以《国务院关于支持贵州在新时代西部大开发上闯新路的意见》和《贵州省建设内陆开放型经济新高地实施方案》为背景,结合文献回顾阐释数字平台技术赋能对外贸易发展的实践逻辑,分析贵阳市对外贸易的发展现状、面临机遇和现实挑战,并探讨数字经济背景下贵阳市对外贸易发展的推进策略。研究发现,数字平台技术赋能对外贸易发展的内在机理和实践逻辑主要包括技术赋能、网络交易赋能和组织管理协同赋能三个维度;并且贵阳市在迎来内陆开放型经济新高地先行区建设重大机遇的同时,也面临着三个赋能维度的现实挑战。根据研究结论,本文提出结合数字平台赋能特点和对外贸易发展现状,贵阳市应着力打造对外贸易数字通道、促进货物贸易数字化转型升级、加快培育“链主”企业的对策建议,以期为推动贵阳市对外贸易进一步发展和建设内陆开放型经济新高地先行区提供借鉴参考。 Promoting the high-quality development of foreign trade is one of the important goals of Guiyang to build an inland open-economy new highland pioneer area,and the digital platform technology helps Guiyang foreign trade actively integrate into the new development pattern in the context of digital economy.With the background of the State Council release a guideline to support Guizhou in breaking new ground in the country′s pursuit of fast development of its western regions in the new era and the implementation plan for the construction of an inland open-economy new highland in Guizhou Province,combined with literature review,the study explain the practical logic of digital platform technology empowering the development of foreign trade,and analyses the status quo of Guiyang′s foreign trade development,facing development opportunities and challenges,and discusses the promotion strategies for Guiyang′s foreign trade development in the context of digital economy.The study found that the internal mechanism and practical logic of digital platform technology empowering foreign trade development mainly include three dimensions:technology empowerment,network transaction empowerment and organizational management synergy empowerment.And Guiyang is facing the construction of an inland open-economy new highland pioneer area which is a great opportunity.It also faces practical challenges of the three dimensions of empowerment.According to the conclusion of the study,this paper proposes that Guiyang should combine the empowerment characteristics of the digital platform and the current situation of foreign trade development,and focus on building a digital channel for foreign trade,promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of commodity trade,and accelerating the cultivation of chain master enterprises.It provides a reference the further development of Guiyang′s foreign trade and the construction of an inland open-economy new highland pioneer area.
作者 苏行 段灵婧 SU Hang;DUAN Lingjing(School of Management,Guizhou University of Commerce,Guiyang,Guizhou 550014)
出处 《贵州商学院学报》 2023年第2期9-16,共8页 Journal of Guizhou University Of Commerce
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划课题青年项目“智能合约赋能贵州数字交易治理的对策研究”(22GZQN06)。
关键词 贵阳市对外贸易发展 数字平台 实践逻辑 推进策略 foreign trade development of Guiyang city digital platform practical logic promotion strategies
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