
汉初儒道的天道观分歧及其治术思想之别——以《淮南子》和《春秋繁露》为中心 被引量:1

The Differences between Confucianism and Taoism on Tiandao in the Early Han Dynasty and the Debate on Their Theories of Governance:Focusing on Huai Nan Tzu and Chunqiu Fanlu
摘要 汉初儒道关于治术的有为与无为之争,本质上源于其天道观的根本分歧。对于天道的不同理解,既是儒道有为与无为之争的信仰依据,也体现为他们本质有别的天人感应说和工夫论。天道观的分歧也使得儒道的阴阳刑德思想表现出形似而实别的特点:尽管儒道皆主张阳尊阴卑并以刑德配阴阳,但二家赋予阴阳刑德说以截然不同的伦理政治意义,提出了迥然有别的治世主张。进而言之,儒道的有为与无为之争也可归结为文质之辨。如何看待此辨,关乎如何看待人性以及何为文明、文明何用等重要问题。在此,道家尚质抑文的价值取向及其无为之术所可能导致的风俗鄙陋、人心败坏之弊,随着汉初社会经济的发展越发显露出来。所以,武帝以后儒术得尊、经学昌明的思想文化局面的形成,不仅是儒家尚文重教的属性使然,而且是历史时势的必然选择。 In the early Han Dynasty,the debate between Confucianism and Taoism on whether there should be govered by Youwei or Wuwei was essentially stems from the fundamental differences in their views of Tiandao.The different understanding of Tiandao is not only the belief basis for Confucianism and Taoism to advocate Youwei or Wuwei respectively,but also the cause fundamental differences between them in theory of Tian-Ren-Gan-Ying and theory of Gongfu.The difference between Confucianism and Taoism on the view of Tiandao also makes their thoughts of Yin-Yang-Xing-De show similar but different characteristics:although both Confucianism and Taoism advocate that Yang is superior to Yin and that Xing and De matches Yin and Yang respectively,the two schools endow the theory of Yin-Yang-Xing-De with completely different ethical and political significance,and put forward completely different ideas of governance.Furthermore,the debate between Confucianism and Taoism on Youwei or Wuwei can also be summed up as the question of which is the priority of Wen or Zhi.How to treat this debate is related to some important questions such as how to treat human nature,what is civilization and what is the use of civilization,and so on.With the development of social economy in the early Han Dynasty,the value orientation of Taoism advocating Zhi and suppressing Wen and the possible disadvantages of vulgar customs and corrupt people's hearts caused by its inaction were more and more exposed.Therefore,the formation of the ideological and cultural situation after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty,in which Confucianism is respected and Confucian classics are flourishing,is not only caused by the attribute of Confucianism,but also the inevitable choice of the historical times.
作者 陈徽 CHEN Hui
机构地区 同济大学哲学系
出处 《孔子研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期20-31,共12页 Confucius Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“道家政治哲学研究”(项目编号:20BZX050) 上海市哲学社科规划“冷门绝学和国别史等研究专项”课题“出土简、帛文献与道家思想从先秦至汉代的衍变”(项目编号:2018ZJX008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 汉初 天道观 治术 阴阳刑德说 文质之辨 the Early Han Dynasty the View of Tiandao Concept of Governance the Theory of Yin-Yang-Xing-De the Question of Priority of Wen or Zhi
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