
运动式环境治理中的“环保军令状”——重塑地方环保责任的政策工具选择 被引量:2

Responsibility System of Environmental Protection in Campaign-style Governance:A Policy Tool to Reshape Local Environmental Protection Responsibility
摘要 加强生态环境治理、提升生态环境质量是当前以及未来长时间内中国国家治理关注的重要议题,而地方政府环保责任的履行情况成为实现环境善治的关键所在。“环保军令状”是运动式环境治理重塑地方环保责任的一项具有中国本土特色的政策工具。它以高位推动作为落实地方环保责任的动力来源,以利益联结作为落实地方环保责任的机制依托,以党政同责作为落实地方环保责任的瞄准对象。在科层治污失败,或者发生突发性、重大性事件需要对环保顽疾施以重手的背景下,“环保军令状”通过将环保任务上升到政治任务的高度,强化下级党政主体的环保责任以此获得环境治理的极致效力。其效用机制包括:通过目标分解化,避免治理主体的责任模糊;通过任务中心化,缓解环境治理的责任挤压;通过约束刚性化,破解政策执行的责任敷衍。尽管“环保军令状”的落地实施取得了良好治理成效,但是也由此衍生出了行政主导漠视公众参与治理责任、任务过重诱发下级组织反向博弈以及路径依赖导致治理成效不够持续的问题。对此,需要在参与式治理、弹性化治理以及可持续治理理念引导下,通过构建环境治理的协同共治格局、拓展环境治理的协商谈判空间以及推动环境治理的长效机制建设这些政策措施消除其负面效应。 Strengthening the governance of the ecological environment and improving the quality of it are important issues concerned by China's national governance at present and for a long time in the future,and the implementation of local governments'environmental protection responsibilities is the key to the realization of smooth environmental governance."Responsibility system of environmental protection"is a policy tool with Chinese local characteristics for environmental mobilized governance to reshape local environmental responsibility.It takes the high-level promotion as the power source,the interest connection as the mechanism,and the joint responsibility of the Party and government as the target for the implementation of local environmental protection responsibility.In case of the failure of pollution control at the departmental level,or of the sudden and major incidents that need urgent settlement,it obtains the ultimate effect of environmental governance by raising the environmental protection task to the political task to highly strengthen the environmental protection responsibility of the subordinate Party and government subjects.Its utility mechanism is to avoid the ambiguity of the responsibility of the governance subjects through goal decomposition,to alleviate the squeeze of the responsibility of environmental governance through task centralization,and to avoid perfunctory implementation of policies through restraint of rigidity.In spite of the achievements so far,it also gives rise to some problems,in which the executive-led government ignores the responsibility of public participation in governance,the heavy task induces the reverse game of subordinate organizations,and path dependence leads to unsustainable governance results.To overcome the defects of responsibility system of environmental protection,we need to build a collaborative system,expand the space for consultation and negotiation,and promote a long-term mechanism under the guidance of the concept of participatory,flexible,and sustainable governance.
作者 李尧磊 LI Yaolei(School of International Relations and Public Affairs,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期138-149,共12页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(17YJC840032)。
关键词 环保军令状 目标管理责任制 运动式环境治理 环保责任 政策工具 responsibility system of environmental protection target management responsibility system campaign-style environmental governance environmental protection responsibility policy tool
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