
学习二十大精神推动中国式旅游现代化 被引量:5

Learning from the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of CPC to Promote Chinese Path to Tourism Modernization
摘要 中国式现代化视域下中国式旅游现代化是新时代旅游业发展的新要求和新方向。学习贯彻党的二十大报告的重要精神,本文重点探讨了中国式旅游现代化的理论内涵、本质要求、价值逻辑、机遇挑战、实践矛盾和实现路径,核心观点如下:(1)中国旅游业发展格局面临根本性转变,中国式旅游现代化是旅游业新一轮转型升级的战略机遇和重要契机;(2)旅游业高质量发展是中国式旅游现代化的首要任务,同时也是推进中国式现代化的重要引擎,其中企业的健康活力和集聚发展是根本基础;(3)中国式旅游现代化应回应和遵循中国式现代化的人口规模巨大、全体人民共同富裕、物质文明与精神文明相协调、人与自然的和谐共生以及走和平发展道路等5方面内涵特征,审视其与旅游现代化的紧密关联;(4)文化和旅游深度融合、产业事业性相协同、旅游公共服务均等化建设、坚持守正创新等是中国式旅游现代化的必然要求,也是中国式旅游现代化实现的关键路径;(5)中国式旅游现代化应积极融入乡村振兴、区域协调、新型城镇化等重点任务中,充分发挥旅游业发展对推动国家战略实施的作用价值。 Chinese tourism modernization in the context of Chinese modernization is a new requirement and direction for tourism development in the new era.In view of the important spirit of the Report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC,this article focuses on the theoretical connotations,opportunities and challenges,value logic,essential requirements,practical contradictions,and realization routes of Chinese tourism modernization.The core insights are as follows:(1)The development pattern of China's tourism industry is facing a fundamental transformation,and Chinese tourism modernization is a strategic opportunity and an important timing for the next transformation and upgrading of tourism;(2)High-quality tourism development is the primary task of Chinese tourism modernization,as well as an important aspect of promoting Chinese modernization,and the healthy vitality and agglomeration development of enterprises is an important foundation of this;(3)Chinese tourism modernization should respond to and follow the five connotative features of Chinese modernization,including a huge population,common prosperity for all,material and cultural-ethical advancement,harmony between humanity and nature,and peaceful development,to examine its close connection with tourism modernization;(4)The indepth integration of culture and tourism,synergy nature of both public institution and industry,equal construction of tourism public services,and innovation are inevitable requirements for Chinese tourism modernization and also key paths to its realization;(5)Chinese tourism modernization should be actively integrated into key tasks such as rural revitalization,regional coordination,new urbanization,etc.The value of tourism development in promoting the implementation of national strategies should be fully utilized.
作者 厉新建 吴文学 吴金梅 宋瑞 张辉 周久财 顾嘉倩 雷海粟 魏小安 LI Xinjian;WU Wenxue;WU Jinmei;SONG Rui;ZHANG Hui;ZHOU Jiucai;GU Jiaqian;LEI Haisu;WEI Xiao’an(School of Tourism Science,Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024,China;China International Public Relations Association,Beijing 100081,China;Beijing Tourism Group,Beijing 100020,China;National Academy of Economic Strategy,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100006,China;School of Economics and Management,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100163,China;Department of Policies,Laws and Regulations,Ministry of Culture And Tourism of The People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100020,China;Strategic Development Department,China Tourism Group Hongkong,Hong Kong 999077,China;China Leisure Association,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《旅游导刊》 2023年第4期1-24,共24页 Tourism and Hospitality Prospects
基金 文化和旅游部部级社科研究项目“文化和旅游融合发展促进共同富裕的模式与路径研究”(项目编号:23DY05) 北京市教育委员会科研计划项目“北京市旅游驱动乡村产业振兴的创新模式与优化策略”(项目编号:SM202310031001)共同资助。
关键词 中国式现代化 中国式旅游现代化 高质量发展 文化和旅游深度融合 二十大精神 Chinese modernization Chinese tourism modernization highquality development the in-depth integration of culture and tourism spirit of the 20th National Congress of CPC
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