

A Comparative Study of Storytelling in the Homologous TV Programs between China and the US: Taking the Voice of China and the Voice of America as Examples
摘要 同源电视节目在不同的文化土壤中有不同的表现形式。本文采用叙事学与阐释学结合的方法,分析了《中国好声音》与《美国之声》故事化呈现的异同。研究发现,中美观众在思维模式上的立体间距导致节目故事化策略的不同。中国观众的关系取向导致节目中的故事围绕主角与亲密他人的伦理关系展开,前期需要充分的铺垫,使情节推进有“水到渠成”之感,现场表演只是一个既有故事的高潮。中国故事讲述尽管偶有争执,但基调是一团和气,比赛结果尽可能皆大欢喜。美国观众的个体取向导致节目中的故事关注选手个人的独特性,前期介绍与现场表演之间并无递进的关系,只是时间上的推进和形式上的需要,现场表演才是关注的焦点。美国故事强调按规则进行比赛和竞争,胜者为王。本文的探索有助于推进在不同文化中讲好中国故事的理论研究。在海外电视节目中国化改造中,节目组需要从关系的角度去重新分解定义节目模式和内容,把大众生活中方方面面的关系联结嵌套进节目,从而找到引进模式本土改造的新机遇。而中国节目在对外传播的过程中,则需要根据不同文化思维模式上的立体间距对节目内容进行调适,将重点放在文化特色的打造上,在节目制作中做减法,无需过度关注关系在节目中的嵌入,而是应该注重节目要素的设计与呈现。 The homologous TV programs present in different ways in different cultural contexts.This paper combines narrative analysis with the hermeneutics approach to compare the storytelling in The Voice of China and The Voice of America.We find that there is a solid gap in thinking patterns of Chinese and American audiences,which contributes to different story telling strategies.The Guanxi orientation of the Chinese audience leads to the result that the Chinese story follows the ethical relationship between the hero and his/her close others.The pre-introduction story is significant as it lays the ground for the later performance.The two parts are causally integrated.The live show part can be considered as the highlights of the whole story.Furthermore,the Chinese story is developed amid a congenial atmosphere and usually has a happy ending which satisfies the audience.In individual-based culture,i.e.American culture,the main storyline is usually centered on the hero's individualized characteristics.There is no progressive relationship between the pre-introduction story and the live performance.The two parts develop in a parallel relationship.The live show is the core of the whole story.Also,the American story accentuates the rule and winner takes all.Our findings will contribute to the theory of story-telling in different cultures.In the transformation of overseas TV programs in China,the program team needs to redefine the program mode and content from the perspective of Guanxi,and connect all aspects of life into the program,so as to find new opportunities to introduce the local transformation of the model.In the process of Chinese programs being exported to other country,it is necessary to adjust the program content according to the three-dimensional spacing of different cultural thinking modes,focus on the creation of cultural characteristics,and do subtraction in program production:without paying too much attention to the Guanxi,the program team should pay attention to the design and presentation of program elements.
作者 林升栋 刘秋妤 普非拉 LIN Shengdong;LIU Qiuyu;PU Feila
出处 《深圳社会科学》 2023年第5期145-159,共15页 Social Sciences in Shenzhen
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新时代国际传播中的说理研究”(22BXW034)。
关键词 电视节目 故事化叙事 中国好声音 美国之声 中国故事 跨文化传播 TV program story-telling strategy The Voice of China The Voice of America Chinese story intercultural communication
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