
论城市商业文化空间正义--以城市实体书店空间为中心的考察 被引量:3

On the Justice in Urban Commercial Cultural Space:A Study Centered on Urban Physical Bookstore Space
摘要 当前,城市商业文化空间改造升级为塑造城市文化景观、彰显城市文化品牌、实现城市文化现代化建设的重要标度。然而,资本逻辑与文化逻辑在城市商业文化空间改造升级中相互博弈,文化逻辑下的城市商业文化空间遵循文化的价值理性,维护着空间正义的生产,对空间文本意义进行活化与再生产,对社会现实具有深刻的洞察及人文关怀。类似实体书店这样兼具文化性和商业性的城市商业文化空间,在资本逻辑的驱使下因资本的逐利性而产生了种种非正义,包括空间歧视、空间异化和空间权利剥夺等,致使城市商业文化空间异化为等级化、景观化和代际化的空间。为保障城市居民的文化空间权利,不再让居住在城市边缘地带的居民、城市边缘群体、外来务工者成为城市商业文化空间的“游荡者”,需要彰显城市商业文化空间正义。在分配正义方面,注重城市商业文化空间分布的均衡性;在承认正义方面,强化城市商业文化空间设计的人本性;在权利共享方面,保障城市商业文化空间服务的平等化。 At present,the transformation and upgrading of urban commercial cultural space has become an important scale for shaping urban cultural landscape,highlighting urban cultural brand and realizing urban cultural modernization.However,capital logic and cultural logic play a game with each other in the transformation and upgrading of urban commer-cial and cultural space.Under cultural logic,urban commercial and cultural space follows the value rationality of culture,maintains the production of spatial justice.activates and reproduces the meaning of spatial texts.and has profound insight in-to social reality and humanistic care.Urban commercial and cultural space with both cultural and commercial characteristics,such as physical bookstores rare driven by the logic of capital to produce various injustices due to the profit-seeking nature of capital,including spatial discrimination,spatial alienation and deprivation of spatial rights,etc,resulting in the spatial alienation of urban commercial and cultural space,which becomes hierarchical,landscape oriented and inter generational space.In order to protect the cultural space rights of urban residents,and make sure residents living in the urban fringe,ur-ban fringe groups,migrant workers will no longer become the"wanderers"around urban commercial and cultural space,it is necessary to highlight the justice in urban commercial and cultural space.In terms of distribution of justice,we should pay attention to the balance of the distribution of urban commercial culture space.In terms of recognition of justce,we should strengthen the human nature of urban commercial and cultural space design.And in terms of the sharing of rights,we should ensure the equality of urban commercial and cultural space services.
作者 江凌 JIANG Ling
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 北大核心 2023年第4期59-68,共10页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 深圳市哲学社会科学规划2021年度重点课题“新时代深圳文化软实力跃升研究”(SZ2021A005)——以城市实体书店空间为中心的考察。
关键词 城市商业文化空间 实体书店空间 空间改造 空间正义 urban commercial and cultural space physical bookstore cultural space space transformation spa tial justice
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