
反思与重构:职业教育作为“类型教育”的本质规定性 被引量:2

Reflection and Reconstruction:The Essential Prescription of Vocational Education as a"Type of Education"
摘要 尽管职业教育作为一种教育类型在法律及政策话语体系中有了定论,但在学理上,职业教育的“类型”问题及身份定位问题并不是一个不言自明的问题。职业教育的多样化称谓及多样化界定,实际上反映了当前学界及实践领域对职业教育的认识与理解仍存在不确定性、不统一性及变动性。由此,基于知识论与教学论维度、教育系统维度、社会经济或劳动力市场维度,构建了职业教育作为类型教育的三维理论分析框架,并提出职业教育作为类型教育的三个本质规定性:从知识论与教学论维度看,职业教育的本质体现为对默会知识等多种知识的生产、使用和迁移,需借助情境、实践等教与学的方式方法进行;从教育系统维度看,职业教育的本质规定性体现为由一系列独有特征的核心要素构成的整个系统;从社会经济或劳动力市场维度看,职业教育的本质规定性体现为一种满足劳动力市场需求的手段与过程。 Although vocational education as a type of education has been established in the legal and policy discourse system,the issue of"type"and identity positioning of vocational education is not a self⁃evident issue in academic theory.The diversified titles and definitions of vocational education actually reflect the uncertainty,inconsistency,and variability in the current understanding and understanding of vocational education in the academic and practical fields.From this perspective,a three⁃dimensional theoretical analysis framework for vocational education as a type of education has been constructed based on the dimensions of epistemology and teaching theory,education system,and socio⁃economic or labor market.Three essential regulations for vocational education as a type of education have been proposed:from the dimensions of epistemology and pedagogy,the essence of vocational education is reflected in the production,use,and transfer of various knowledge such as tacit knowledge,which requires the help of context Practice and other teaching and learning methods;From the perspective of the education system,the essential prescriptive nature of vocational education is reflected in the entire system composed of a series of unique core elements;From the perspective of socio⁃economic or labor market dimensions,the essential prescriptive nature of vocational education is reflected as a means and process to meet the needs of the labor market.
作者 孙翠香 Sun Cuixiang
出处 《职教发展研究》 2023年第3期1-11,共11页 Vocational Education Development and Research
基金 2020年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“教育高质量发展评价指标体系研究”(项目编号:20JZD053 主持人:张新平)。
关键词 职业教育 三维理论框架 知识论与教学论 类型教育 教育功能 vocational education three dimensional theoretical framework epistemology and pedagogy type education educational function
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