

Effects of Loss-Control Urea on Summer Maize Yield,Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Nitrate Nitrogen Content in Soil
摘要 为考察控失尿素对作物产量、氮素利用率、土壤中硝态氮含量的影响,以夏玉米为试验对象,开展了田间小区试验。结果表明:施氮处理的夏玉米产量高于不施氮处理的,处理间差异极显著;氮肥施用量和施肥方式相同时,控失尿素处理的夏玉米产量高于普通尿素处理的,处理间差异极显著;控失尿素施用量相同而施肥方式不同时,苗期开沟追施处理的夏玉米产量高于种肥同播处理的,处理间差异显著;控失尿素施用量比普通尿素减少20%的条件下,夏玉米产量无显著性差异;施用控失尿素的氮素利用率为35%左右,高于普通尿素处理的(23%左右);与施用普通尿素的处理相比,施用控失尿素的处理均不同程度地降低了土壤中硝态氮的含量。施用控失尿素可以提高夏玉米的产量和氮素利用率,降低土壤中硝态氮的含量。 In order to investigate the effects of loss-control urea on crop yield,nitrogen use efficiency and nitrate nitrogen content in soil,a field plot experiment is carried out with summer maize as the experimental object.The results show that the yield of summer maize under nitrogen application treatment is higher than that without nitrogen application treatment,and the difference between treatments is extremely significant;when the amount of nitrogen fertilizer and fertilization method are the same,the yield of summer maize treated with loss-control urea is higher than that of common urea treatment,and the difference between treatments is extremely significant;when the amount of losscontrol urea is the same but the fertilization methods are different,the yield of summer maize under the treatment of ditching and topdressing at seedling stage is higher than that under the treatment of simultaneous sowing of seed,and the difference between treatments is significant;under the condition that the amount of loss-control urea is reduced by 20%compared with that of common urea,there is no significant difference in the yield of summer maize;the nitrogen use efficiency of applying loss-control urea is about 35%,which is higher than that of common urea(about 23%);compared with the treatment applying common urea,the treatment applying loss-control urea reduces the content of nitrate nitrogen in soil to varying degrees.The application of loss-control urea can increase the yield of summer maize and nitrogen use efficiency,and reduce the content of nitrate nitrogen in soil.
作者 孙克刚 杜君 和爱玲 杨占平 杨焕焕 张运红 SUN Kegang;DU Jun;HE Ailing;YANG Zhanping;YANG Huanhuan;ZHANG Yunhong(Institute of Plant Nutrition,Agricultural Resources and Environmental Science,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou,Henan 450002,China)
出处 《肥料与健康》 CAS 2023年第4期44-47,共4页 Fertilizer & Health
基金 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项“主要粮食作物一次性施肥技术研究与示范”(201303103) 2013年度河南省省院科技合作项目(122106000035) 河南省科技厅农业攻关项目“小麦玉米一体化栽培、施肥简化优化措施研究”(092102110041) “十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目“黄淮海平原南部(河南)小麦玉米丰产节水节肥技术集成与示范”(2013BAD07B07)
关键词 控失尿素 夏玉米 产量 氮素利用率 硝态氮 loss-control urea summer maize yield nitrogen use efficiency nitrate nitrogen
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