

Professor CHU Yuxia’s experience in treating prolonged menstruation of spleen and kidney deficiency type
摘要 经期延长是临床上常见的妇科疾病。文章将褚玉霞教授针对脾肾亏虚型经期延长的临证经验进行总结。褚玉霞教授认为该型经期延长根在脾与肾两个脏器,这不仅沿袭了中国古代医家“以肾为本”的思想,还将肾细化为肾精与肾气,又将肾气分为肾阴与肾阳,从多个层面详述了肾脏之于月事的重要性。女性月经的主要成分为血,因此,褚玉霞教授指出,血为妇人之本,而脾又为气血生化之源,对于月事的关键性不言而喻。因此,褚玉霞教授认为脾肾亏虚型经期延长是气血同病,其本在脾肾两虚,应以脾肾亏虚、冲任不固为主,治疗上应以健脾补肾、固冲调经为主,遣方用药也向其靠拢。首要原则为以肾为本,以脾为要,除此之外,要做到“急则治其标,缓则治其本”,血量较多应以止血为要,一旦血量减少应立即审证求因,辨证施治,治其根本。另外,处于不同阶段的女性出现这种症状应采取不同的治疗方法,侧重的脏器也因此有所不同。褚玉霞教授指出,节气与五味对疾病的发展也有一定影响,用药时也应兼顾,不应忽视。褚玉霞教授熟读经典古籍,善于汲取前人经验,又有自己的创新发展,在遣方用药上极其灵活多变,从不拘泥于一方一药,将中药内服与中医外治巧妙结合,由此在临床工作中取得了极佳的治疗效果。 Prolonged menstruation is a common gynecological condition in clinical practice.This article will summarize Professor CHU Yuxia’s clinical experience in prolongation of menstrual period with spleen and kidney deficiency.Professor CHU Yuxia believes that this type of menstrual prolongation is rooted in the two organs of the spleen and kidney,which not only follows the ancient TCM doctors'kidney-based thinking,but also refines the kidney into kidney essence and kidney Qi(气),and divides kidney Qi into kidney Yin(阴)and kidney Yang(阳),detailing the importance of kidneys in menstrual affairs from multiple levels.The main component of women's menstruation is blood,so Professor CHU Yuxia pointed out that blood is the foundation of women,and the spleen is the source of Qi and blood biochemistry,which is self-evident for the criticality of menstruation.Therefore,Professor CHU Yuxia believes that the prolongation of menstrual period with spleen and kidney deficiency deficiency is the same disease of Qi and blood,which is originally in the spleen and kidney deficiency,and should be based on spleen and kidney deficiency,Chongren(冲任)not solid,and the treatment should be based on strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney,Guchong Tiaojing(固冲调经),and the prescription medication is also closer to it.The first principle is to take the kidney as the foundation,take the spleen as the key,in addition,to achieve urgent to treat its symptoms,slow to cure its roots,more blood should be to stop bleeding as the key.Once the blood volume is reduced,should immediately examine the cause,dialectical treatment,cure its root.In addition,women at different stages should be treated differently for this symptom,focusing on different organs.Professor CHU Yuxia pointed out that solar terms and five flavors also have a certain impact on the development of diseases,and should also be taken into account when using medicine,and should not be ignored.Professor CHU Yuxia is familiar with classic ancient books,good at learning from the experience of predecessors,and has her own innovative development,and is extremely flexible in the use of prescriptions,never sticking to one side of one medicine,and skillfully combining internal administration of TCM medicine with external treatment of TCM,thus achieving excellent therapeutic results in clinical work.
作者 张荣辉 李岩 ZHANG Ronghui
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第23期33-37,共5页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省中医药科学研究专项课题(2021JDZX2107)。
关键词 经期延长 脾肾亏虚 临床经验 Prolonged menstruation Deficiency of spleen and kidney Clinical experience
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