

Common Sense,Knowledge and Science:An Interview with Professor Chen Ajiang on Research Methods in Environmental Sociology
摘要 21世纪初以来,中国环境社会学快速发展,河海大学社会学系陈阿江教授是这一领域的领跑者和代表性学者。他长期深耕于工业污染、面源污染、环境健康、垃圾治理、气候变化、绿色发展等诸多环境社会学议题,取得了丰硕的研究成果:主持国家社会科学基金项目3项,省部级科研项目多项;出版专著《制度创新与区域发展》(2000年)、《次生焦虑——太湖流域水污染的社会解读》(2010年)、《“癌症村”调查》(2013年),《城市生活垃圾处置的困境与出路》(2016年)、《面源污染的社会成因及其应对——太湖流域、巢湖流域农村地区的经验研究》(2020年)等多部;在《社会学研究》、《中国社会科学》(内部文稿)《社会学评论》、《探索与争鸣》《学海》《江苏社会科学》等刊物发表学术论文70余篇,多篇论文被《中国社会科学文摘》及中国人民大学报刊复印资料等全文转载或摘录。2022年主持创办《环境社会学》集刊并担任主编。 Since the beginning of the 2lst century,environmental sociology in China has been rapidly developing.Professor Chen Ajiang from the Department of Sociology at Hohai University is one of the forerunners and representative scholars in this field.He has long been dedicated to various topics on environmental sociology,such as industrial pollution,non-point source pollution,environmental health,waste management,climate change,green development,etc.,with fruitful research achievements.Professor Chen Ajiang not only equips himself with profound and rich academic theories,but also employs unique research methods with his own insights.Commissioned by Poyang Lake Journal,Associate Professor Wang Jing,the director of the Department of Sociology at Guizhou University,invited Professor Chen Ajiang for an interview on his research methods in environmental sociology.Professor Chen Ajiang talked about how to apply scientific knowledge in environmental sociology research,how to deal with local knowledge,how to learn,select and create suitable research methods for specific environmental issues and special social contexts,and how to utilize comprehensive comparative methods to seek truth from facts in research.In general,he stressed that in environmental sociology research,it is of great importance to acquire real knowledge from reality,delve deep into Chinese society,and adhere to the principle of accurately presenting scientific and social facts to the greatest extent possible.He also thought it necessary to cast off methodological dogmatism and scholasticism in textual presentation,formulate research methods with Chinese characteristics and disciplinary attributes,promote the development of environmental sociology as a discipline,and eventually gain research results that meet China's reality and social needs.
作者 陈阿江 王婧 Chen Ajiang;Wang Jing
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2023年第4期42-53,126,共13页 Journal of Poyang Lake
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