
一种基于知识图谱技术的智能制造数据标准数字化转型方法 被引量:2

A Digital Transformation Method of Standard for Intelligent Manufacturing Data Based on Knowledge Graph Technology
摘要 智能制造领域的标准涵盖设备、机床、计算机系统、智能传感器等多种类型。以工业化、数字化、智能化为特征的智能制造对标准的数字化和机器可读提出了内在要求。为了满足智能制造标准的数字化、网络化、智能化发展要求,基于知识图谱技术和本体建模理论,本文提出了用于智能制造标准数字化转型的本体模型,包括类、属性、关系和规则库。在此基础上,通过在行业应用的典型示例,解释和验证了本文所提的模型和方法。 Standards in the field of intelligent manufacturing cover equipment,machine tools,computer systems,intelligent sensors and other types of products.Intelligent manufacturing,characterized by industrialization,digitalization and intellectualization,puts forward inherent requirements for the digitalization and machine readability of standards.In order to meet the requirements of digitalization,network and intelligent development of intelligent manufacturing standards,based on knowledge graph technology and ontology modeling theory,this paper proposes an ontology model for the digital transformation of intelligent manufacturing standards,including classes,attributes,relationships and rule base.On this basis,the model and method proposed in this paper are verified through typical examples of industrial applications.
作者 岳高峰 刘继红 高亮 温娜 YUEGao-feng;LIU Ji-hong;GAO Liang;WEN Na(Beihang University;China National Institute of Standardizationn)
出处 《中国标准化》 2023年第15期45-51,73,共8页 China Standardization
基金 市场监管总局科技计划项目(项目编号:2022MK188) 中国标准化研究院院长基金项目“面向智能制造数据知识标准的数字化转型方法和一致性测试研究”(项目编号:532022Y-9424)资助。
关键词 知识图谱 标准数字化 本体 knowledge graph standards digitization ontology
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