

A Field Survey to Long'en Palace Chambered-Buddha Shrines in Emperors'Mausoleums of Qing Dynasty
摘要 清代孝、景二陵隆恩殿陈设遵循明制,以奉祀帝后神牌为主。但自雍正帝泰陵始,与养心殿佛堂装修几乎同时,开始在隆恩殿暖阁中供奉佛尊。乾隆帝更是在其裕陵隆恩殿中专辟东暖阁兴建二层仙楼式佛堂,此法自此成为清代帝陵之惯例。除二次建陵的道光帝慕陵未建佛楼外,共有裕、昌、定、惠、崇五座帝陵和菩陀峪定东陵一座后陵兴建了二层佛楼,每座帝陵佛楼实际上均成为皇帝个人寄托来世生活的什物陈列室和宗教上的精神超度堂。作者利用中国第一历史档案馆、清东陵管理处等机构所藏相关档案文献,大致还原了清代数座帝陵佛楼的陈设和布局,为进一步探讨藏传佛教在清代皇室生活中所起到的作用提供史料支撑和研究基础。 The Qing follows the Ming dynasty enshrining the spirit tablets of the deceased emperors and empresses in the Long'en Palace of Xiao and Jing Mausoleums respectively.However,starting from the Qin mausoleum of Emperor Yongzheng(雍正),Buddha statues take the place in the warm-chamber of Long'en Palace while the Buddha Hall is being renovated in Yangxin Dian(Palace of Mental Cultivation).The successive Yu Mausoleum of Emperor Qianlong(乾隆)sets aside the east-warm chamber specifically for the construction of a two-story fairy-style Buddhist hall in the Long'en Palace.Thereafter,it is laid down and carried out as the"ancestral system"that a Buddha shrine is set up in the imperial tomb of Qing Dynasty for over a century.There are Buddhist shrines,or Buddhist towers(佛楼in Chinese characters and Folou in Chinese pinyin)constructed in the emperors'mausoleums of Yu,Chang,Ding,Hui,Chong and one empress'mausoleum at Bodayu of the Ding Tomb,but none in the re-constructed Mu tomb of Emperor Daoguang(道光).The Buddha tower is actually to play as the late emperor's privacy with the stuff embodying his blesses for the afterlife,in which he fulfills his spiritual transcendence in religion.The analysis of the Buddhist towers of Long'en Palace of several Qing imperial tombs in interior display and decoration based on the documented sources from the institutions such as The first Historical Archives of China,Eastern Qing Mausoleum administration office,etc.is significantly useful for the probes into the way Tibetan Buddhism is playing in the life of the royalty in the Qing Dynasty.
作者 王彦嘉 Wang Yanjia
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2023年第8期103-112,134,135,共12页 Palace Museum Journal
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目“清代朝觐制度与中央治藏方略研究——以六世班禅朝觐文物考察为中心”(项目编号:22JJD780013)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 清代帝陵 隆恩殿 佛楼 陈设 emperor's tombs of the Qing dynasty Long'en Hall Buddha tower furnishings
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