This study examines the changes in life expectancy in China from 2000 to 2019 by comparing the pace of life expectancy increase between China and developed countries during the same period and under the same life expectancy level based on the data from the HMD.Additionally,the disparities in life expectancy growth rates between urban and rural areas and among the three regions in China is examined.The findings reveal that the increase of male life expectancy at birth in China has gradually declined from a pace significantly higher than that of developed countries to a rate closer to that of developed countries.While the increase of female life expectancy has also experienced a sharp decline and still has a larger span of life expectancy increase than that of developed countries.Similarly,the life expectancy increase of the male elderly population in China is close to that in developed countries,whereas the female elderly population continues to boast of higher increase than that of developed countries.The future increase of life expectancy in China depends on the increase of children and adults’life expectancy in short term and on the life expectancy increase of the elderly population through the improvement in the mortality rate of the elderly in the long term.Though there is still urbanrural disparities and regional differences in China,it is good to see that the increase of life expectancy in rural areas has outpaced that in urban areas and the rural-urban gap is keeping narrowed.However,the increase of life expectancy in the western region has experienced a faster increase in the earlier years,but begin to have a slower increase in the later years compared with the central and eastern regions with a gap-narrowing period and then a gap-expanding trend among the regions.The improvement of all-age mortality rates in the western region plays a significant role in the overall national increase and in the reduction of regional disparities of life expectancy in future.
ZHANG Le-yi;SUN Li-Juan(School of Insurance,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029;School of Mathematics,Baotou Teachers’College,Baotou 01403)
South China Population
Life expectancy
Increase rate
China and developed countries
Urban-rural disparities
Regional disparities