计算机网络实验是计算机课程教学的必要环节,文章介绍了一种新型在线计算机网络仿真实验系统。该系统具有开源、免安装和易使用的特点,由基于超文本标记语言5(Hyper Text Markup Language 5,HTML5)、Javascript和层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS)的网页Widget技术实现。用户可以在安装有浏览器的任意设备和操作系统上拖动计算机网络设备Widget组件搭建网络拓扑图,并按照从数据链路层到应用层的相关协议实时仿真。为方便教师远程考查和重现学生实验情况,本系统利用基于浏览器指纹特征的Fingerprint技术识别用户,减少了会话层对内存的消耗,使系统对计算机硬件的要求较低,具有较高的可移植性。
Computer network lab is important and necessary in computer teaching.This paper introduces a new type of online computer network simulation system.This system is open source,portable and easy to use.The system is realized by Widget technique,which is based on HyperText Markup Language5(HTML5),Javascript and Cascading Style Sheets(CSS).Users can drag and put the widget of computer network device in anywhere of the webpage to build a computer network topologyand simulate the network in real time with the corresponding protocols from data link layer to application layer.To facilitate the teacher for remote lab assessment and replay the student’s simulation status,this system uses browser Fingerprint technique to identify users.This heavily reduces the memory cost from session layer to have low hardware requirement and high transferability.
HUO Juan(Electrical and Information Engineering Department,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450001,China)
Information & Computer