
改革开放初期山东省农业生产责任制的探索历程 被引量:3

Establishment History of Agricultural Production Responsibility System in Shandong Province during the Beginning of Reform and Opening up
摘要 调整农业生产责任制是改革开放过程中具有突破意义的大事。山东省委改革起初对责任制限制较严,但部分改变了运动式管理的思路。1979年秋季后,山东省委根据中央方针变化做出调整,默认贫困地区“分地”做法,避开包产到户争议,抓住“生产责任制”这个政策交集,允许各地市选择不同形式的责任制。其间,山东省委对中央政策采取跟从态度,在农村改革上表态不多,继续让各地市在生产责任制上“因地制宜”,在具体增产增收问题上予以支持,取得较好实效,但未充分回应干部群众呼声。直至中央态度明确,山东省委开始积极推广以包产、包干到户为主要形式的生产责任制。1982年下半年,家庭联产承包责任制在山东省内迅速扩展,至1983年春实现整体转轨。山东省农业生产责任制改革,是农村改革进程中中央与地方双向互动的生动例证,也是此时期改革常态的集中体现。 The establishment of agricultural production responsibility system is a major breakthrough in the stage of reform and opening up.The Shandong Provincial Party Committee was initially more restrictive about the responsibility system,but also partially change the way of political campaign manner.After the autumn of 1979,the Shandong Provincial Party Committee made corresponding adjustments in accordance with changes in the central authorities'policies,acquiescing to the measure of dividing the land in poor areas,seizing the"responsibility system"as an intersection of policies and allowing its localities to choose different forms of responsibility system.During this period,the Shandong Provincial Party Committee followed central authorities'policies and did not make too much of a statement,so that the localities could"follow their own ways"in the responsibility system.It supported the specific issues of increasing production and income,but it failed to fully respond to the voice of officials and the public.It was only after the central authorities'attitude became clear that the Shandong Provincial Party Committee focused its policies on guiding the promotion of the responsibility system in the form of production quotas and contractors to households.In the second half of 1982,the household contract responsibility system rapidly spread in the whole Shandong province and the whole-system transformation had been achieved by the spring of 1983.While the reform of responsibility system in Shandong Province was slightly slower in pace in comparison with that in certain more advanced provinces,it is a vivid example of the mutual interaction between the center and the local in the progress of the rural reform,and also an epitome of the normal state of the reform of this period.
作者 赵诺 刘照峰 Zhao Nuo;Liu Zhaofeng
出处 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期147-164,共18页 Researches in Chinese Economic History
关键词 山东省 农村改革 生产责任制 家庭联产承包责任制 Shandong Province Rural Reform Production Responsibility System Household Contract Responsibility System
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