

Interests Consideration in the Name of Scientific Drug Control:Japan and the 1909 Shanghai International Opium Commission
摘要 1909年上海万国禁烟会拉开了国际禁毒合作的序幕,会上达成了各国商议解决鸦片问题的共识。在参会国当中,日本的参会表现出强烈的现实主义倾向。为向国际社会展现日本的禁烟决心与成果,日本在准备参会阶段详细撰写所谓科学的调查报告,展示其在本土和殖民地实施的禁烟措施及成效,通过打造科学禁毒的名号,减轻参会国对其禁毒态度的怀疑,为其在殖民地的鸦片政策合法化与正当化奠定基础。实际上,日本并未全面收集殖民地调查数据,会上为维护其在殖民地的鸦片利润消极应对立即禁绝鸦片的倡议,甚至回避参与具体国际禁毒合作事务。由于大会最终达成的是不具有强制性的决议案,日本政府得以延续推行其既有的科学虚名掩盖下的毒品政策,阻碍国际禁毒合作进程,为其进一步利用毒品助力殖民扩张埋下了伏笔。 The 1909 Shanghai International Opium Commission began the dialogue to international cooperation in drug control,and the participating countries reached a consensus to solve the opium problem together.Among them,Japan's participation showed a strong realistic tendency.In order to present its determination and outcome in anti-drug activities to the international community,Japan prepared the detailed reports of the so-called scientific investigation for the conference,and demonstrated its achievements on the measures of drug control which were implemented domestically and in its colonies.Through establishing the reputation of scientific drug control,Japan allayed the suspicion of the participating countries on its anti-drug attitude,laying the foundation of the legitimacy and justification of its colonial opium policy.In fact,Japan did not collect data on its colonies comprehensively.Accordingly,during the commission,it passively responded to the proposal regarding the immediate suppression of opium smoking in order to maintain its opium profits in its colonies,and even avoided participating in specific international drug control cooperation.Eventually,the non-mandatory resolution signed during the commission allowed the Japanese government to continue enforcing its current drug policy which was established in the name of science.This hindered the progress of international drug control cooperation and further foreshadowed its colonial expansion by using drugs.
作者 张雯婧 张勇安 Zhang Wenjing;Zhang Yong'an
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期20-35,171,172,共18页 World History
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“《国际禁毒史(多卷本)》”(项目编号:18ZDA215)的阶段性成果。
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