

Hu Sheng and the Construction of the Chinese Marxist Philosophy Knowledge System
摘要 建构中国马克思主义哲学知识体系是拓展和创新马克思主义哲学知识谱系的关键之维,近年来受到学界密切关注,并取得了一些重要研究成果。解读关键理论家的相关思想成果,从而赋予“中国马克思主义哲学”这一研究主题以具体规定性,是将此项研究向纵深推进的必要环节。胡绳对中国马克思主义哲学知识体系的建构具有创造性、自主性和继承性三大理论特征。其创造性体现为对“两种中国传统文化”的辩证性区分,对“两个决定论”的创新性解读,对毛泽东哲学思想和邓小平哲学思想的系统性阐释。胡绳区分了马克思主义在中国出场的“两种身份”,前者为在中国传播的“一种理论”,属于一个“历史事实”;后者为解决中国问题的“一种方案”,属于一个“历史事件”。其中所蕴含的独立解决中国问题的自主意识、对教条主义束缚的破除、对新民主主义理论的阐释,均体现了胡绳对中国马克思主义哲学知识体系建构的自主性特征。其继承性体现为这一新知识体系对历史唯物主义、社会发展五形态论、生产力发展论、社会进步途径、人类解放和民族解放的深刻理解,与经典马克思主义哲学知识体系一脉相承,共享了马克思主义哲学的基本认知架构。 The construction of the knowledge system of Chinese Marxist philosophy is a crucial endeavor in expanding and innovating the broader spectrum of Marxist philosophical knowledge.It has garnered significant attention from scholars in recent years,leading to important research outcomes.A necessary step to advance this research further is the interpretation of the relevant intellectual achievements of key theorists,which provides a concrete definition to the research theme of"Chinese Marxist philosophy".Hu Sheng's contributions to constructing the knowledge system of Chinese Marxist philosophy can be characterized by three key theoretical features:creativity,autonomy,and inheritance.Hu Sheng's contributions to constructing the knowledge system of Chinese Marxist philosophy are evident in his dialectical differentiation of"two kinds of Chinese traditional culture",innovative interpretation of"two determinisms"',and systematic exposition of the philosophical thoughts of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.He discerns between two distinct categories of Chinese traditional culture,one characterized by its promotion of rationality and human liberation,while the other impedes the rationality and revolutionary practice of the masses.Furthermore,his insightful analysis of the reasons behind China's divergence from adopting capitalism and the infeasibility of the capitalist path in the Chinese context constitutes a substantial component of the Chinese Marxist philosophical knowledge system.Hu Sheng emphasizes the transformative potential of contradictions under specific circumstances and reinforces the dialectical relationship between the constituents of the"two determinisms".In addition,he conducts a meticulous critique of Mao Zedong's"Two-Step Theory of Revolution",challenging the concept of simultaneous achievement of bourgeois democratic and socialist revolutions.Moreover,Hu Sheng offers a comprehensive elucidation of Deng Xiaoping's philosophy,underscoring the significance of productive forces'development,the acknowledgment of the primary stage of socialism,and the implementation of a socialist market economy.Hu Sheng differentiates between the"two identities"of Marxism in China:the former being a theory disseminated in China,constituting a"historical fact",while the latter represents a solution to China's problems,constituting a"historical event".Hu's understanding of the timing of Marxism's introduction to China was based on Marxist philosophy,particularly historical materialism.Furthermore,the construction of the knowledge system of Chinese Marxist philosophy requires breaking through the barriers of dogmatism.Hu Sheng offers a thorough critique of dogmatism,emphasizing that the importance of reading lies not in memorizing texts verbatim but in grasping the conveyed meaning.The independent consciousness of autonomously addressing China's challenges,liberating from the constraints of dogmatism,and explicating the tenets of new democracy encompassed within it collectively epitomize the autonomous features of Hu's construction of the knowledge system within Chinese Marxist philosophy.The system also inherits key elements from classical Marxist philosophy,including the understanding of historical materialism,the five forms of social development,the development of productive forces,the path of social progress,human liberation,and national liberation.It shares a fundamental cognitive framework with classical Marxist philosophy while forging its own distinct path.
作者 乔茂林 Qiao Maolin
出处 《哲学动态》 北大核心 2023年第7期32-40,126,127,共11页 Philosophical Trends
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“构建人类命运共同体理念的原创性贡献研究”(编号21BKS074)的阶段性成果。
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