

Drawing Useful Educational Experience from the History of the Chinese Nation
摘要 “以古为镜,可以知兴替”,这是历史研习的社会功能。中华民族有着悠久的教育历史,积累了丰富的教育文化遗产,曾经为世界教育的发展提供了中国方案。虽然近百年来,中国的教育现代化进程缓慢,但依然留下了值得深长思之的宝贵教育经验。改革开放以来,世界各国的教育观念、理论、思想、制度和教育、教学方法被介绍进来,已经或正在为创建有中国特色的社会主义教育体系作出积极的贡献。但无庸讳言,当代中国教育依然存在诸多问题,其中一个重要的原因,就是我们对自己的教育经验、本土教育经验比较淡漠。我们关注别人的经验、别国经验的积极性,远远胜过了关注自己经验、本土经验的积极性。任何先进的教育理论、教育思想和教育制度、方法都是特定社会政治、经济、文化和历史传统的产物,它们不可能也不应该成为各个国家和民族解决自己教育问题的“万能药方”,我们要从自己的历史中汲取有益的教育经验,关注教育现实,建设中国式教育现代化强国。 “To draw lessons from history,one knows why dynasties changed.”This is the social function of historical study.With a long history of education,the Chinese nation has accumulated rich educational cultural heritage,and provided the world with a Chinese approach for the development of education.Although the process of educational modernization in China was slow in the past century,it still left behind valuable educational experience well worth considering in the modern era.Since the reform and opening up,educational philosophy,theories,thoughts,systems,education and teaching methods from all over the world have been introduced into China.They have made or are making positive contributions to the establishment of a socialist education system with China characteristics.However,it goes without saying that there are still many problems in contemporary Chinese education.One of the reasons is that we make light of our own local educational experience.We pay far more attention to other countries’experience than our own local experience.Any advanced educational theory,thought,system and method are the products of specific social politics,economy,culture and historical traditions.They cannot and should not be the“panacea”for all countries and nations to solve their own educational problems.We should draw useful educational experience from our own history and put our eyes on educational reality to build a strong country with Chinese educational modernization.
作者 田正平 TIAN Zhengping(College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310013,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期1-3,共3页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
关键词 优良传统 教育历史 教育经验 中国式教育现代化 good tradition education history educational experience Chinese education modernization
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