Global over-the-counter derivatives market is enormous in scale,trading over the counter is always considered more flexible than trading derivates in an Exchange,but at the same time off-exchange trading has problems such as high leverage,lack of liquidity,high operational risk,and lack of transparency etc.Also,the huge risk exposure in non-centrally cleared derivatives market is a major factor affecting global financial stability.Central clearing is considered a mature and stable financial system by many Western countries already,and it has helped them alleviate the serious consequences of financial crises.In the past,derivatives cleared by central counterparties relied only on the“natural selection”of the market,and it has never been able to gain a dominant advantage.After the financial crisis in 2008,to improve the overall stability of the financial market,policy makers over the world realized that they should reform the financial market to“drive”more non-centrally cleared derivatives into central counterparties and cleared centrally.This article focuses on exploring how to incentivize non-centrally cleared derivatives into the central clearing system in China by comparing the main differences under main different clearing models and drawing experience from the global reform of the derivatives market.
DAI Guangyi(Shang Hai Futures Exchange,Shanghai 200122,China)
Securities & Futures of China