

Rationality of Behavior and Its Boundary:Interactive Behavior Between Multiple Relationships
摘要 罗尔斯的合理行为是独白的,它内嵌于正义原则;哈贝马斯的交往行为则是互动的,它独立于正义原则。但两人的行为理论都有普遍主义倾向,这一共同倾向致使它们忽视普遍主义的边界问题以及边界间的多重互动关系问题。在对此展开的批判性考察中,一种新型的行为理论——交互行为理论得到勾勒,交互行为理论承认了普遍性的边界,并注重边界间的多重关系属性,因此它既避免萎缩成了独白式的逻辑分析,也避免完全忽视了原则之间的关系属性。交互行为从允许可改善的现实关系出发,寻求边界间的合作可能性,其基本内涵由可改善关系、普遍主义的边界和注重边界的理性所界定。由它达成的共识不是穿透一切边界的重叠共识,而是承认边界的交互共识。 How should behavior be taken in a divided world in order to promote the foundations of human life together?On this issue,a number of behavioral theories have been formed in the field of contemporary political philosophy,among which John Rawls's theory of rational behavior and Jürgen Habermas's theory of communicative behavior have far-reaching influence.By contrast,Rawls's rational behavior is a monologue logical analysis of the behavioral subject,embedded in the principles of justice,and therefore it is essentially equivalent to the principles of justice in which behavior has been programmed,while Habermas's communicative behavior is a linguistic communication between behavior subjects,which is independent of the principles of justice and can produce any substantive principle within the framework of the negotiation it establishes.These two behavioral theories are different from the theory of class struggle and the theory of strategic behavior.They are devoted to the study of the rationality of human behavior and the rationalization of society in a divided world and provide peaceful solutions to the conflicts of human interests and values,and even promote the basis for human beings to live together.However,these two behavioral theories are based on a set of counterfactual hypotheses respectively.As ideal theories,they do not pay enough attention to the transition between ideal theory and reality.And they both have a tendency of universalism that causes them to neglect the boundary issue of universalism as well as the issue of multiple relations between the boundaries.Therefore,these two behavioral theories are not only difficult to be applied directly to the divided and conflicting real world,but also lead to improper interference in the process of seeking homogeneous consensus.In the critical study of these two behavioral theories,a new kind of behavior theory,namely theory of interactive behavior,has been outlined,in which the reinterpreted rational behavior theory and the communicative behavior theory constitutes the two basic aspects of the interactive behavior theory,that is,the institutional aspect which contains many different rank principles and the behavioral aspect which contains many kinds of interactive activities.As a behavioral paradigm,interactive behavior is different from rational behavior and communicative behavior in three aspects:firstly,the starting point of interactive behavior is the realistic relationship that can be improved,which is neither the hypothetical original state nor the ideal debate situation;secondly,interactive behavior recognizes the boundary of universalism and pays attention to the multiple relational attributes between the boundaries;thirdly,the form of thought behind the interactive behavior is the emotional rationality that pays attention to the boundary,and it is neither purpose-cognitive rationality nor communicative rationality without boundary consciousness.Because the interactive behavior starts with a realistic relationship that can be improved,seeking the possibility of cooperation between boundaries rather than seeking homogeneity or unity that across all boundaries,it not only avoids shrinking into monologue-like logical analysis but also avoids completely drowning out the relational attributes among the principles;and it seeks the interactive consensus among the boundaries by gradually improving the conditions that prevent consensus from being reached.Interactive consensus gives up the pursuit of homogeneous consensus focus and seeks to converge the overlapping areas of heterogeneous consensus focus to form a network of compatibility consensus,and thus consolidate the foundation for human beings to live together.
作者 秦子忠 Qin Zizhong(School of Marxism,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第5期147-160,共14页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(22BZX008)。
关键词 行为合理性 交互行为 普遍主义 边界 重叠共识 公共理性 交互共识 rationality of behavior interactive behavior universalism boundary overlapping consensus public rationality interactive consensus
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