

Study on the characteristics of atmospheric waves in near space during 2013 stratosphere sudden warming in Kunming,China
摘要 利用2012-12-01—2013-02-28期间昆明站与120°E子午链附近5个台站流星雷达观测的大气风场数据,分析了2013年极区平流层爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)事件对昆明地区临近空间平均风场、大气潮汐波的影响.结果表明2013年SSW期间,昆明站纬向东向风快速减弱并转向,北向风异常增强,周日潮汐和半日潮汐振幅均出现明显下降.结合小波分析结果发现:2013年SSW期间行星波有幅度增强现象,但主导准周期在不同纬度和不同时间表现不一致;昆明站垂测仪的foF2数据表现出明显的潮汐波状变化结构;行星波和半日潮汐的相互作用可能是临近空间调制电离层的主要机制,其耦合机制有待进一步研究. The wind data from December 1,2012 to February 28,2013,which is obtained by meteor radars from Kunming station and other 5 stations near the 120°E meridian chain,is used to analyze the influence of typical 2013 stratosphere sudden warming(SSW)event on the average wind field and atmospheric waves.The results show that during the SSW in 2013,the eastward wind of Kunming station weakened rapidly and turned,and the north wind was abnormally strong,and both the amplitude of the diurnal tide and the semidiurnal tide decreased significantly.Results combined with wavelet analysis reveals planetary waves increased clearly during SSW,but their dominating quasiperiods behave inconsistently at different latitudes and at different times.Meanwhile,the tidal wave structure is found in the foF2 data at Kunming station,which implies that the complex interactions between planetary waves and tidal waves may be the main coupling mechanism.Certainly,more studies will be conducted in the next step to reveal the coupling mechanism.
作者 李娜 陈金松 丁宗华 赵蕾 LI Na;CHEN Jinsong;DING Zonghua;ZHAO Lei(National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environment,China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation,Qingdao 266107,China;Yunnan Kunming Electromagnetic Environment National Observation and Research Station,Qujing 655331,China)
出处 《电波科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期679-685,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 JKW重大基础加强(KFX202201405) 装备技术基础(A162101604)。
关键词 平流层爆发性增温(SSW) 流星雷达 大气潮汐 行星波 耦合 stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) meteor radar atmospheric tidal wave planetary wave coupling
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