目的 分析我国目前药品带量采购的现状、研究热点及发展趋势。方法 导出中国知网中2010年1月至2022年11月与药品带量采购相关的文献,以citespace 6.1R3软件作为文献计量的研究工具,统计分析药品带量采购的时间分布、文献来源及高频关键词的时区分布等信息,并绘制相关图谱。结果 共检索得到650篇非重复文献,研究的作者及机构之间存在一定的联系,但合作不够紧密。除带量采购及集中采购以外,仿制药、药品、原研药、用药频度、公立医院及医疗机构等关键词的频次排列较高,近3年的突现词有药品价格、冠状动脉支架、零售药店。结论 近5年来对药品集中采购的关注度不断上升,内容逐步深化,主要经过了理论的形成期、执行期及理论与实践的深化期,未来零售药店药品有望纳入集中采购范围,同时,药品的价格、质量、临床合理应用等仍是目前持续关注的热点。
Objective To analyze the current situation,research hotspots and development trends of drug volume-based procurement.Methods The literature related to drug volume-based procurement from January 2010 to November 2022 in CNKI was exported,and citespace 6.1R3 software was used as the research tool for literature measurement.The time distribution,literature sources and time zone distribution of high-frequency keywords of drug volume-based procurement were analyzed statistically,and the related maps were drawn.Results A total of 650 non-duplicate literatures were retrieved in this study.There was a certain rela-tionship between the authors and the institutions,but the cooperation was not close enough.In addition to the volume-based procurement and centralized procurement,the frequency of keywords such as generic drugs, drugs,original drugs,drug use frequency,public hospitals and medical institutions was relatively high.In re-cent three years,the breakout words included drug price,coronary stent and retail pharmacy.Conclusion In the past five years,the attention on centralized drug procurement has been on the rise,and the content has gradually deepened,mainly through the formative period of the theory,the implementation period and the deepening period of the theory and practice.In the future,the drugs in retail pharmacies are expected to be in-cluded in the scope of centralized procurement.At the same time,the price,quality and reasonable clinical ap-plication of drugs are still the hot spot of continuous attention at present.
ZHAN Ju(Department of Clinical Pharmacy,the First People's Hospital of Zunyi(the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University),Zunyi,Guizhou 563000,China)
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
Volume-based procurement
Research hotspots