
具有全sp^(2)杂化聚合氮层超氮化合物的高压合成研究 被引量:2

High-pressure synthesis of fully sp^(2)-hybridized polymeric nitrogen layer in potassium supernitride
摘要 类石墨烯全sp^(2)杂化二维结构具有承载非平庸的拓扑电子结构的能力.本文利用激光加热对顶砧技术,在高温高压条件下首次获得全sp^(2)杂化类石墨烯二维聚合氮结构.全sp^(2)杂化的聚合氮层由环状N18单元组成,与钾原子层构成了类三明治结构的K_(2)N_(16)超氮材料.K_(2)N_(16)能带结构呈现拓扑半金属特性,是新型的高阶色散狄拉克费米子材料.全sp^(2)杂化的聚合氮的合成研究为探索新型拓扑材料提供了新的高压策略. Searching for fully sp^(2)-hybridized layered structures is of fundamental importance because of their fascinating physical properties and potential to host topologically non-trivial electro nic states.However,the synthesis of fully sp^(2)-hybridized layered polymeric nitrogen structures remains a challenging work because of their low stability.Here,we report the synthesis of a fully sp^(2)-hybridized layered polymeric nitrogen structure featuring fused 18-membered rings in potassium supernitride(K_(2)N_(16))under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions.Bader charge analysis reveals that the potassium atomic layer stabilizes the unique sp^(2)-hybridized polymeric nitrogen layers through the charge transfer effect in K_(2)N_(16).The calculation of electronic structure indicates that K_(2)N_(16)is a topological semimetal with multiple Dirac points and hosts higher-order Dirac fermions with cubic dispersion,which are contributed by the sp^(2)-hybridized polymeric nitrogen layers arranged in P6/mcc symmetry.The high-pressure synthesis of the fully sp^(2)-hybridized polymeric nitrogen layered structure provides promising prospects for exploring novel topological materials with effective stabilization routes.
作者 隋明宏 刘爽 王鹏 邹念龙 董青 周淼 牛世峰 岳磊 赵梓彤 郭琳琳 刘波 刘然 徐勇 姚震 刘冰冰 Minghong Sui;Shuang Liu;Peng Wang;Nianlong Zou;Qing Dong;Miao Zhou;Shifeng Niu;Lei Yue;Zitong Zhao;Linlin Guo;Bo Liu;Ran Liu;Yong Xu;Zhen Yao;Bingbing Liu(State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China;State Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Physics and Department of Physics,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Institute for High Pressure,Department of Physics,Hanyang University,Seoul 04763,Republic of Korea)
出处 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第14期1505-1513,M0003,共10页 科学通报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFA0305900) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(12174143) the Basic Science Center Project of NSFC(52388201) the National Science Fund for Distinguished Yong Scholars(12025405)。
关键词 高压合成 氮化合物 金属特性 高温高压条件 对顶砧 三明治结构 激光加热 二维结构 Layered polymeric nitrogen structures Graphene-like High pressure Topological electronic structure
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