

Review of Public Library Services to the Elderly in China
摘要 [目的/意义]为贯彻实施积极应对人口老龄化的国家战略和国家相关政策法规要求,履行公共图书馆使命,公共图书馆应当进一步研究如何更好地为老年人服务。[方法/过程]文章对公共图书馆老年人服务研究文献进行综述,该领域常用的研究方法有问卷调查法、案例分析法等,研究主题包括老年人群体研究、老年人服务项目研究、老年人服务制度研究、老年人服务设施设备研究等。[结果/结论]现有研究存在研究规范性不足、数据收集方法科学性需要加强、研究深度不足等问题。建议未来进一步提升研究的规范性,增强数据收集方法的科学性,细分老年人群体研究,钻研服务模式创新,开展老年人服务效果评估,制定老年人服务标准,研究面向老年人的信息资源建设等。 [Purpose/Significance]China has entered the aging society since 2000 and China's elderly population is increasing rapidly.,The degree of aging is growing severely,and the pressure on social security and public services is increasing.During the"14th Five-Year Plan"period,the degree of aging in China will be from mild to moderate,the population structural contradiction centered on population aging is becoming increasingly prominent,and the demand structure of the elderly is changing from the survival-type to the development-type.In order to implement the national strategy and relevant national policies and regulations to actively respond to the aging population and fulfill the mission of public libraries,public libraries should further study how to better serve the elderly.[Method/Process]The paper conducts literature review of the current studies on public library services to the elderly.The main research methods in this field include questionnaire survey and case analysis.The research topics include study of the elderly,service,service system and service facility to the elderly.Among them,the research of service to elderly includes theme space and theme branch library construction,outreach service,health information service,reference service,user education and training,digital service,information literacy service,volunteer service and intergenerational service project.[Results/Conclusions]There are some problems in the existing research,such as a lack of standardization,the need to strengthen the scientific data collection method and a lack of in-depth research.In the future,efforts should be made to improve the norm of research and improve the data collection methods,such as paying attention to the rationality of sampling methods and the compatibility between the research methods and research questions,using in-depth interviews and other research methods,increasing in-depth case analysis,and comprehensively applying a variety of research methods.Efforts are needed to study the elderly group to effectively promote the match between the elderly service supply and user demand in public libraries.In order to adapt to the national conditions of aging in China and the characteristics of the elderly,efforts are needed to innovate service models from the aspects of service publicity and promotion,helping the elderly with digital intelligence,outreach service,intergenerational services,and social integration.There is also a need to evaluate the effectiveness of services to the elderly and develop the elderly service standards to provide guidelines for services for the elderly,and promote service experience.The construction of information resources adapted to the characteristics of the elderly population should be carried out to improve the level of service guarantee for the elderly.
作者 谢燕洁 XIE Yanjie(Guangzhou Library,Guangzhou 510623)
机构地区 广州图书馆
出处 《农业图书情报学报》 2023年第7期18-26,共9页 Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
基金 2023年广州市图书馆科研课题项目“以人为中心的图书馆管理与服务转型研究”(2023GZTK11)。
关键词 公共图书馆 老年人 图书馆服务 健康信息学 信息行为研究 public library the elderly library service health informatics research on information behavior
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