
河北省粮食作物用水效率时空特征及影响因素分析 被引量:1

Spatial-temporal characteristics of water use efficiency of major crops in Hebei province
摘要 河北省粮食生产与水资源矛盾日益加深,提高粮食作物用水效率势在必行。文中以河北省为研究区域,运用超效率SBM模型,结合空间计量模型和GTWR模型,对河北省1995-2019年多要素投入产出框架下粮食作物用水效率及影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明:1)1995年以来,河北省粮食作物水足迹呈上升态势,灰水足迹年增长率幅度最大。2)研究期内河北省粮食作物用水效率呈现下降(1995-2000年)-上升(2000-2015年)-下降(2015-2019年)的变化态势,整体处于较低水平;空间分布上呈现西北低、东南高的格局,且区域内差异大于区域间差异。3)有效灌溉程度、产业结构、农村居民人均纯收入、城镇化水平和农业机械力密度对粮食作物用水效率存在显著正向效应,种植结构和化肥施用强度则存在显著的负向效应,且各影响因素对粮食作物用水效率的影响程度存在空间差异。文中研究为各地区制定因地制宜的用水效率提高对策提供研究依据。 The contradiction between grain production and water resources in Hebei province is serious day by day,so it is imperative to improve the water use efficiency of grain crops.Taking Hebei province as the research area,we use the super efficiency SBM model,combined with spatial econometric model and GTWR model,to conduct an empirical study on water use efficiency of grain crops in Hebei province under the multi factor input output framework from 1995 to 2019.The results show that:1)Since 1995,the water footprint of grain crops in Hebei province has shown an upward trend,with the largest annual growth rate of gray water footprint.2)During the study period,the water use efficiency of grain crops in Hebei province showed a trend of decreasing(1995-2000),increasing(2000-2015)and decreasing(2015-2019),and was at a low level on the whole.The spatial distribution presented a pattern of low in the northwest and high in the southeast,and the intra regional difference was greater than the inter regional difference.3)Effective irrigation degree,industrial structure,per capita net income of rural residents,urbanization level and agricultural machinery force density had a significant positive effect on WUE of food crops,while planting structure and fertilizer application intensity had a significant negative effect,and the influence degree of each factor on the water use efficiency of grain crops was different in space.This study provides research basis for various regions to formulate countermeasures to improve water use efficiency according to local conditions.
作者 温佳昱 潘佩佩 王晓旭 兰烁康 任丹丹 WEN Jiayu;PAN Peipei;WANG Xiaoxu;LAN Shuokang;REN Dandan(School of Geography Science,Hebei Normal University;Innovation Center of Remote Sensing Technology for Environmental Change Identification in Hebei Province;Laboratory of Environmental Evolution and Ecological Construction of Hebei Province;Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Hebei Xiong'an New District Management Committee;Daxing Branch of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources)
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期117-127,共11页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 河北省高等学校自然科学研究计划项目(ZD2021067) 河北省自然科学基金项目(D2020205009) 国家自然科学基金项目(42207551)资助。
关键词 用水效率 超效率SBM模型 粮食作物水足迹 空间计量模型 GTWR模型 water use efficiency super efficient SBM model water footprint of food crops spatial econometric model GTWR model
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