
2010-2020年郑州市二七区20370例手足口病病例流行病学特征 被引量:1

Epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Erqi district,Zhengzhou,2010-2020
摘要 目的掌握郑州市二七区手足口病流行特征及变化趋势,为制定更有针对性的防控措施提供依据。方法收集中国疾病预防控制信息系统报告2010-2020年二七区的所有手足口病病例信息和日常疫情监测资料,进行描述性流行病学研究。结果二七区共报告手足口病病例20370例,年均发病率230.91/10万,年度间发病率差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=3646.84,P<0.05),整体发病率呈现上升趋势(χ^(2)_(趋势)=331.20,P<0.05)。报告重症病例225例,年均重症比例1.1%,死亡病例6例,年均重症病死率为2.67%。发病呈单峰分布,报告病例数从4月开始增多,高峰为5、6月。发病数位于前4位的地区是嵩山路、京广路、长江路和淮河路办事处,共占发病总数的51.94%。病例主要集中在5岁以下,共18652例,占91.57%;男性发病率为268.95/10万,女性191.28/10万,差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=81.48,P<0.05);职业以散居儿童(66.90%)和幼托儿童(30.28%)为主。报告实验室确诊病例178例,EV71型、CoxA16型、其他肠道病毒分别占48.31%、12.92%和38.76%。监测到手足口病聚集性疫情458起,以家庭聚集为主(68.34%)。结论2010-2020年郑州市二七区手足口病总体呈现上升趋势,有明显的季节性和周期性,重症比例呈现下降趋势,应加强对重点人群的监测和管理,及时控制疫情的传播与发展。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and changing trends of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Zhengzhou Erqi district,and provide evidence for formulating more targeted prevention and control measures.Methods The data of hand-foot-and-mouth disease(HFMD)cases and routine surveillance data reported through the Disease Control and Prevention Information System of China from Erqi districts from 2010 to 2020 were collected,and Descriptive epidemiological study was carried out.Results A total of 20370 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD)were reported in Erqi district,with an annual average incidence of 230.91 per 100000.There was a significant difference of the incidence between the two years(χ^(2)=3646.84,P<0.05),and the overall incidence rate showed an upward trend(χ^(2)_(trend)=331.20,P<0.05).In total,225 severe cases were reported.The annual average proportion of severe cases was 1.1%,and 6 cases died.The annual average mortality of severe cases was 2.67%.The incidence showed a single peak with number of reported cases increasing from April and peaking during May and June.The top four sub-districts with highest incidences included Songshan Road,Jingguang Road,Changjiang Road and Huaihe Road,accounting for 51.94%of the total cases.The cases were mainly concentrated under the age of 5 years,with a total of 18652 cases.The incidence rate was 268.95/100000 in males and 191.28/100000 in females with a significant difference(χ^(2)=81.48,P<0.05).The main occupations were scattered-lived children(66.90%)and preschool children(30.28%).There were 178 lab-confirmed cases,and EV71,CoxA16 and other enteroviruses accounted for 48.31%,12.92%and 38.76%,respectively.A total of 458 clusters of hand-foot-mouth disease were detected,and majority of the were family clusters(68.34%).Conclusions From 2010 to 2020,hand-foot-mouth disease in Erqi district of Zhengzhou showed an increasing trend with obvious seasonal and cyclical characteristics,and the proportion of severe cases showed a decreasing trend.Surveillance and management in key population should be strengthened so as to control the spread and development of the epidemic in time.
作者 宋育玲 史旭东 王晓 王洁 秦利娟 SONG Yuling;SHI Xudong;WANG Xiao;WANG Jie;QIN Lijuan(Zhengzhou Erqi District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Zhengzhou,Henan 450052,China)
出处 《现代疾病预防控制》 2023年第9期694-697,共4页 MODERN DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION
关键词 手足口病 流行特征 监测 肠道病毒 Hand,foot and mouth disease Epidemiological characteristics Surveillance Enterovirus
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