

WANG Yang-ming’s Distinguished Student HUANG Zhi’s Achievements as an Official in Zhangzhou and Their Influences
摘要 阳明高足黄直出身军籍进士,初授福建漳州府推官,先后代理漳浦、长泰知县,开阳明后学宦闽先河。黄直为漳浦先贤高登《东溪集》作序,推崇朱子“过化”,传播阳明思想。黄直树立“孝友”典型,重视文教,关注武备。黄直不顾紫极宫曾获漳州唯一状元林震题诗,将其列为“淫祠”,下令斥卖。黄直不以阳明高足自居,自强自立,导致黄直同门马明衡、王阳明挚友林希元撰文述及黄直事功,均未提黄直师从王阳明史事。黄直打击权贵,不与同僚同流合污,终遭弹劾,被逮下狱。漳人为之奔走呼号,黄直撰文明志,清正廉洁。万历元年《漳州府志》虽始见黄直传,实则嘉靖《漳州府志》已为其立传,但阙载其阳明门人身份。 Huang Zhi,the student of Yangming,who was a senior scholar born in the army family,was initially appointed as the Tuiguan of Zhangzhou Prefecture,Fujian Province.He has successively acted on behalf of officer of Zhangpu and Changtai County,and was the officer of the Yangming scholarship in Fujian Province.Huang Zhi wrote a preface to the Dongxi Collection by the Zhangpu Sage Gao Deng,praised Zhu Zi’s“guohua”(pass through its land and civilize its people)and spread the Yangming scholarship.Huang Zhi sets up a model of“filial piety”,attaches importance to culture and education,and pays attention to military equipment.Huang Zhi listed Ziji Palace and Ciji Palace as“obscene temple”and sold them that Ziji Palace had won the poem by Lin Zhen,the only champion in Zhangzhou,the teacher of Lin Zhen.Huang Zhi doesn’t take Yangming’student as his pride and self-reliance,which leads to Huang Zhi’s colleague Ma Mingheng and Wang Yangming’s close friend Lin Xiyuan’s writing about Huang Zhi’s deeds,without mentioning Huang Zhi’s history of learning from Wang Yangming.Huang Zhi attacked the powerful nobleman,did not collude with his colleagues,and was eventually impeached and jailed.Zhangzhou people ran around for appealing,and Huang Zhi wrote an article for verifying his honest and clean.Although the biography of Huang Zhi was initially recorded in Zhangzhou Chronicle of Wanli 1st,the biography of Huang Zhi was first seen in Zhangzhou Chronicle of Jiajing,in fact,but it does not contain his identity as a disciple of Yangming.
作者 刘涛 LIU Tao(Zhaoqing Institute of Economics,School of Society and History and Culture,Zhaoqing University,Zhaoqing 526061,China;Fujian-Taiwan Hakka Research Institute,Longyan College,Fuzhou 364012,China)
机构地区 肇庆学院 龙岩学院
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2023年第7期56-63,共8页 Journal of Yichun University
基金 福建省财政厅专项基金项目“八闽地方文化调查研究与建设”。
关键词 黄直 宦绩 交游 阳明后学 明代 HUANG Zhi Official achievements make friends Yangming’s student The Ming Dynasty
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