
基层治理现代化视野下的村级组织行政化及其自主调适 被引量:1

Village-level organization administration and its adjustment under the vision of the modernization of grass-roots governance
摘要 以治理信息化和行政服务化为核心特征的基层治理现代化,客观上加深了村级组织行政化,一定程度上压缩了村民自治空间,造成标准服务与社会需求错位、干群关系松散等问题。在国家与社会之间的村“两委”组织,通过深化村“两委”成员的专业分工、发挥村民小组的自治功能,满足了基层治理现代化的要求,降低了村级组织行政化的负向影响。实践中,有着良好自治基础的村民小组,在社区公共服务、集体行动达成上实现有效治理,成为村民自治的重要实现形式。未来乡村治理体系完善,应注重村级行政和村民自治的协调性关系建设,从制度上界定村级行政权边界、赋予村民小组更大自治权能,同时加强村委会的村组统筹协调能力,强化基层党组织对村组的政治统领能力,夯实国家治理的乡村基础。 The modernization of grassroots governance,with governance informatization and administrative services as the core characteristics,objectively deepens the administrativeization of village-level organizations,compresses the space for villagers’autonomy to a certain extent,and causes problems such as the misalignment of standard services and social needs,and the loose relationship between cadres and the masses.The village“two committees”organizations between the state and society have met the requirements of the modernization of grassroots governance by deepening the professional division of labor among the members of the village“two committees”and giving play to the autonomous functions of villagers’groups,and reducing the negative impact of the administrativeization of village-level organizations.In practice,villagers’groups with a good foundation of autonomy have achieved effective governance in community public services and collective action,which has become an important form of villagers’autonomy.In the future,to improve the rural governance system,we should pay attention to the construction of a coordinated relationship between village-level administration and villagers’autonomy,define the boundaries of village-level administrative power institutionally,give villagers’groups greater autonomy,and at the same time strengthen the overall planning and coordination ability of village groups of village committees,strengthen the political command ability of grassroots party organizations over village groups,and consolidate the rural foundation of national governance.
作者 史明萍 魏程琳 SHI Mingping;WEI Chenglin
出处 《原生态民族文化学刊》 CSSCI 2023年第5期80-90,154,155,共13页 Journal of Ethnic Culture
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“社会组织参与社区治理的模式与优化路径研究”(20BGL242)。
关键词 治理现代化 村级组织行政化 自治单元下沉 Modernization of governance Administratization of Village-Level Organizations decentralization of self-government units
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