

A Study on the Campaign to Support the Army and Give Preferential Treatment to Families of Armymen and Martyrs on Spring Festival During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea——Investigation Centered Around Beijing
摘要 在全社会开展拥军优属工作,是中国共产党领导的人民军队政治工作的重要举措和优良传统之一。抗美援朝战争爆发之后,党和政府将拥军优属纳入抗美援朝运动范畴,并在春节、八一建军节等节庆期间持续组织相关活动。其中,北京市于1951年、1952年、1953年春节期间,密集开展了宣传动员、实物慰问、军民联欢、寄送慰问信、慰劳伤病员、组织赴朝慰问团等一系列拥军优属工作。抗美援朝战争时期“春节”拥军优属运动的蓬勃开展,对于鼓舞志愿军指战员士气,丰富抗美援朝运动人民性的形式和内涵,解决烈属、军属的生活困难,提升社会优抚工作质量,巩固军民关系等具有重要作用。 It is an important measure and one of the fine traditions of the political work of the People's Army led by the CPC to support the army and give preferential treatment to families of armymen and martyrs throughout the society.After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,the Party and the government included the support of military families in the scope of the movement to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,and continued to organize related activities during festivals such as the Spring Festival and August 1st,Army Day.During the Spring Festival from 1951 to 1953,Beijing municipal government carried out a series of intensive activates of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to their dependents,including propaganda and mobilization,providing aid in kind,army-civilian get-together,sending letters of sympathy,comforting the injured and sick,and organizing groups conveying greetings to DPRK.The vigorous development of the campaign to support military families during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on Spring Festival played an important role in inspiring the morale of volunteer soldiers,enriching the forms and connotations of the popular nature of the campaign,solving the living difficulties of the soldiers' dependants and members of revolutionary martyred' families,improving the quality of social support work,and consolidating military and civilian relations.
作者 刘进伟 李岩岩 Liu Jinwei;Li Yanyan
出处 《当代中国史研究》 2023年第4期102-115,159,共15页 Contemporary China History Studies
关键词 抗美援朝 春节 拥军优属 军民关系 the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea the Spring Festival support the army and give preferential treatment to families of armymen and martyrs military-civilian relations
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