
驾驭全球化:韩国与台湾地区半导体产业发展与超越的制度基础 被引量:3

Embracing Globalization:The Advanced Institutional Foundations of the Development of the Semiconductor Industry in South Korea and theTaiwanRegion
摘要 半导体是当今世界各国竞争的一个关键领域。中国作为后发国家,如何在全球激烈竞争和美国全方位遏制的环境下实现半导体产业的发展与超越,是学术界关注的核心议题。韩国和台湾地区作为全球半导体领域的两个重要参与者,其成功的发展经验迄今尚未得到足够重视。文章基于比较政治经济学的视角对此进行了分析,提出全球化时代传统发展型官僚政府必须完成向发展型网络政府的适应性转型才能实现新兴战略产业跃升的命题。通过韩国和台湾地区的案例比较,文章得出如下主要结论:韩国政府和台湾地区当局在半导体产业崛起过程中都扮演了重要但不同于传统发展型政府时期的角色。面对全球化竞争和全球半导体产业链分工重组带来的机遇与挑战,韩国政府和台湾地区当局通过发展型政府核心特征的适应性转变、基于信任的政企平等伙伴关系与合作机制的形成,以及有机链接本土—国际的全球本土化产业生态网络的构建,发展出一套既反映全球自由市场特点又充分发挥政府制度能力的集中式网络治理结构。韩国与台湾地区半导体产业赶超的成功经验,为我国因时因势找到一条适合本国的发展之路提供了重要的借鉴和启示。 Despite being two key participants in the global semiconductor industry,not enough attention has been given to the developmental experiences and ultimate success of South Korea and the region of Taiwan.Based on analysis from a comparative political economy perspective,this article holds that in the era of globalization the traditional developmental bureaucratic state must undergo processes of adaptative transformation into developmental network state in order to successfully leap into emerging strategic industries.A comparison of the cases of South Korea and the region of Taiwan leads to a main conclusion as follows:both the South Korean government and the Taiwan authorities played important roles in the rise of the semiconductor industry,but these roles were remarkably different from that of the traditional developmental state.Faced with both challenges and opportunities brought by global competition and the restructuring of global value chains of the semiconductor industry,the South Korean government and the Taiwan authorities each developed centralized network governance structures reflecting the characteristics of the free market,but also fully leveraging the capacities of government systems.These structures adapted the core characteristics of the developmental state,but notably integrated trust-based public-private partnerships and models of cooperation organically linking global and local elements of the industrial ecosystem.
作者 刘洪钟 Liu Hongzhong(Shanghai Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies of Shanghai International Studies University)
出处 《当代亚太》 北大核心 2023年第3期95-131,167,168,共39页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“新形势下全球价值链重构对国际经济权力转移的影响及中国应对策略研究”(项目编号:20&ZD143)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 半导体 全球产业链 发展型政府 制度能力 Semiconductor Global Industrial Chain Developmental Government Institutional Capacity
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