
社会交换理论下工作场所欺骗与组织公民行为的机制研究 被引量:1

Study on the Mechanism of Workplace Cheating and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Under Social Exchange Theory
摘要 基于685份领导—下属匹配有效样本,对工作场所欺骗如何影响组织公民行为的作用机制进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:工作场所欺骗行为对组织公民行为具有负面影响;组织支持感在欺骗行为与组织公民行为的作用机制中发挥中介作用;任务复杂性调节了工作场所欺骗对组织支持感的影响,工作场所欺骗行为通过组织支持感负向影响组织公民行为的间接效应在高任务复杂性下更为强烈。基于社会交换理论,探究了工作场所欺骗行为在组织中的影响,拓展了欺骗领域研究,为组织如何应对欺骗行为带来的负面效应提供新视角。 Based on 685 valid leader-subordinate matching samples,this paper conducted an empirical study on how workplace cheating affects organizational citizenship behavior.The result shows that workplace cheating has a negative impact on organizational citizenship behavior.Perceived organizational support plays a mediating role in the mechanism of workplace cheating and organizational citizenship behavior.Task complexity moderates the effect of workplace cheating on perceived organizational support,and the indirect effect of workplace cheating on organizational citizenship behavior through perceived organizational support is stronger under high task complexity.Based on the social exchange theory,this study explores the impact of workplace cheating on organizations,expands corresponding theoretical researches,and provides a new perspective on how organizations respond to the negative effects of cheating.
作者 骆冬嬴 徐世勇 LUO Dongying;XU Shiyong(School of Labor and Human Resources,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China;Research Center for Human Resource Development and Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期60-67,150,共9页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
关键词 工作场所欺骗行为 组织支持感 任务复杂性 组织公民行为 workplace cheating perceived organizational support task complexity organizational citizenship behavior
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