为满足林业生产对胡桃楸良种的需求,该研究以胡桃楸母树林及附近天然次生林为对象,调查分析了母树生长性状和种实性状,并基于隶属函数结果筛选优树。结果表明,胡桃楸母树林母树冠幅、冠高分别为4.81 m、10.79 m,单果质量、果长和果宽分别为11.5 g、4.31 cm、2.88 cm,种仁质量、长、宽及完好率分别为1.96 g、2.85 cm、1.76 cm和99.81%,均高于胡桃楸天然次生林(对照);母树树高和胸径分别为18.54 m和41 cm,小于对照;母树略矮,冠幅略大,有利于结实和球果的采收;种实较大,果实略呈扁长型;种仁较大且重。采用隶属函数方法筛选出5株优树,所选优树的平均树高、胸径、冠幅、冠高分别为18.16 m、43.4 cm、5.48 m、9.18 m,单株种实质量、单果质量、种长和种宽分别为1490 g、13.43 g、4.57 cm和3.04 cm,种仁质量、长、宽、出仁率和完好率分别为2.45 g、3.06 cm、1.9 cm、18.28%和100%,均显著高于所有参试单株均值;所选优树矮、冠幅大,更有利于结实和采种;种仁大而重,出仁率更高。该研究结果对胡桃楸母树林改建及种子园营建具有一定指导作用。
In order to meet the demand for improved varieties of Juglans mandshurica in production,the growth and seed traits of the mother trees in the seed-tree stand and natural secondary forest nearby were investigated and analyzed,and the superior trees were selected based on the membership function results.The results showed that the crown width and crown height of the mother tree of J.mandshurica were 4.81m and 10.79 m,respectively.The single fruit weight,fruit length and fruit width were 11.5 g,4.31cm and 2.88 cm,respectively,and the kernel weight,length,width and readiness rate were 1.96 g,2.85 cm,1.76 cm and 99.81%,respectively.All of indicators above were higher than those in the natural secondary forest of J.mandshurica(control).The height and DBH of the mother tree were 18.54 m and 41 cm respectively,which were smaller than the control.The height of mother tree was slightly shorter and its crown width was slightly larger,which were conducive to fruiting and cone harvesting;its seed was larger,and its fruit was slightly flatter and longer;and its kernel was larger and heavier.The average tree height,DBH,crown width and crown height of five superior tree selected by membership function method were 18.16 m,43.4 cm,5.48 m and 9.18 m,respectively.The seed weight of individual tree,single fruit weight,the seed length and seed width of the selected trees were 1490 g,13.43 g,4.57 cm and 3.04 cm,respectively.The kernel weight,length,width,yield and readiness rate were 2.45 g,3.06 cm,1.9 cm,18.28%and 100%,respectively.These indicators of superior tree selected were significantly higher than the average of all the tested individual plants.The selected superior tree was shorter in height and larger in crown width,which was more conducive to fruiting and cone collection;its kernel was larger and heavier,and the rate of kernel yield was higher.It has a guiding effect on the reconstruction of J.mandshurica seed-tree stand and the construction of seed orchard.
WANG Shouguo;CUI Liuzhu;TENG Xuelong;GAO Shixin;JIANG Shumin(Gangshan Forest Farm of Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County,Fushun 113204,China;Yongling Forest Farm of Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County,Fushun 113206,China)
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology
Juglans mandshurica
seed-tree stand
superior tree