

From"Assessment as Teacher Helper"to"Assessment as Learning":Systematic Review of Peer Assessment
摘要 为探索同伴互评研究的进展,本文使用系统性文献综述法梳理1927一2022年间国内外重要期刊的702篇同伴互评文献。研究发现:1)同伴互评的理念经历过从“以评辅教”到“以评促学”,再到“以评为学”的转变,三者相辅相成,协同促进同伴互评的发展;2)同伴互评的研究内容涵盖理论探索、影响因素、互评设计、技术工具、互评过程、互评效果六大主题。研究发展历程显示,学者们持续关注互评效果和互评设计、较少关注理论探索和技术工具;研究主题呈三个演变趋势:互评效果和影响因素的研究缓慢增加;互评设计和互评过程的研究呈先降后升态势,但总体数量略有下降;理论探索和技术工具的研究相对减少。本文建议未来可深入探索“以评为学”理念的教育教学价值、多方促进“以评促学”活动的高效实施。 To systematically explore peer assessment,this study used the systematic literature review method to select 702 scholarly journal articles published home and abroad from 1927 to 2022.The study results indicate that,1)The philosophical concept of peer assessment has been developing from"Assessment as Teacher Helper"to"Assessment for Learning"and recently to"Assessment as Learning."These three philosophies have worked collaboratively in promoting the development of peer assessment.2)The research content of peer assessment covers six themes:Theoretical exploration,influencing factors,design,technical tools,process,and learning effect.In addition,the research of peer assessment mainly focused on the learning effect and design,and paid relatively little attention to the theoretical exploration and creation,and technical tools.On the whole,its research theme presents three major shifting trends:Research on the learning effect and influencing factors of peer assessment has increased slowly;the research attention to the design and process of peer assessment has decreased first and then increased,but generally showed a modest decline,while the research on the theoretical exploration and creation,and technical tools has declined slowly.These findings suggest that future research to further explore the value of"peer assessment as learning"at the theoretical level and try to promote an effective and eficient implementation of activities featured with"peer assessment as learning"at the practical level.
作者 陈泽璇 胡可欣 焦建利 CHEN Zexuan;HU Kexin;JIAO Jianli(School of Information Technology in Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;School of Foreign Studies,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China;The Afiliated Huangpu Experimental School of South China Normal University,Guangzhou,510663,China)
出处 《开放教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第5期64-73,共10页 Open Education Research
基金 2021年广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目“混合式教学中的形成性评价策略及效果研究”(JG2021002)。
关键词 同伴互评 理念转变 主题演变 以评为学 peer assessment development of education philosophy development of research theme assessment as learning
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