
吉同钧清律讲义的版本、成书过程及其价值 被引量:1

The Version,Formation and Value of Ji Tongjun's Lectures on the Laws of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 中国法律教育的创办始自光绪末叶的变法修律运动期间。其时清廷“废科举而设学堂,始立法律专门”,《大清律例》成为一门专修课程。陕派律学代表人物之一的吉同钧在主讲该门课程的六年期间,形成了多部不同版本的清律讲义,其中有三部讲义近年业已影印或点校出版,影响很大。但是关于吉氏的生平以及这几部讲义之间的关联性和成书过程,学界还有一些模糊不清的认识。通过新见吉氏卒年资料和新发现的廿卷本《大清律讲义》,可对上述问题加以考订、梳理和推断,并尝试着对这几部清律讲义的史料价值以及吉氏在清末法律改革中的作用和影响略做评估。 The establishment of China's legal education began in the period of the movement of reform and revision of the law at the end of the Guangxu period.At that time,the Qing government“abolished the imperial examination and set up schools,and law was firstly offered as a specific discipline”.The Laws and Regulations of the Qing Dynasty also became a specialized course.During the six years of teaching this course,Ji Tongjun,an important figure of Shaanxi School of Law,had formed several different versions of the Qing Dynasty's law lecture materials,three of which have been photocopied or published in recent years,making a great impact.However,there are still some vague understandings about Ji's life as well as the relevance between these lectures and their writing process.In this article,the author examines,sorts out and infers the above issues in combination with the new data of Ji's death year and the newly discovered twenty-volume version of Lectures on the Laws of the Qing Dynasty,and tries to make a brief evaluation of the historical value of these Qing Dynasty's law lectures and Ji's role and influence in the legal reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
作者 苏亦工 Su Yigong
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 北大核心 2023年第5期135-149,共15页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(20AFX006)“清朝经营西北边疆成败得失研究” 北京市社科基金重点项目(20FXA004)“清代法制之腹边文化互动研究”。
关键词 沈家本 清末修律 《大清律例讲义》 《大清律讲义》 《大清现行刑律》 Shen Jiaben revision of laws in the Late Qing Dynasty Lectures on the Laws and Regulations of the Qing Dynasty Lectures on the Laws of the Qing Dynasty Current Criminal Law of the Qing Dynasty
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