
时代新人视域下大学生社会责任感培育路径探析--基于天津科技大学的调查研究 被引量:1

Analysis on the Cultivating Path of College Students'Social Responsibility from the Perspective of New Generation—Based on the Investigation and Research of Tianjin University of Science&Technology
摘要 “时代新人”是我国高等教育对于“培养什么人”这一重要问题的现实回答,对于大学生社会责任感的培育和塑造至关重要。本文依托“全国大学生社会责任教育研究高校联盟”统一编制的《大学生社会责任感量表》,针对天津科技大学理工类专业学生调查数据,从大学生社会责任感的形成环节以及不同维度展开具体分析,发现大学生社会责任感具有不平衡性、目的性、差异性的特点。结合研究结果,从课堂教学、高等院校及家校联动三个角度为高校开展大学生社会责任教育提出针对性建议。 “New generation”is the realistic answer to the important question of"what kind of people to cultivate"in China's high⁃er education,and it is very important to cultivate and shape college students'social responsibility.Based on the unified"College Stu⁃dents’Social Responsibility Scale"compiled by the National College Students'Social Responsibility Education Research Alli⁃ance,and according to the survey data of science and engineering students in Tianjin University of Science&Technology,this paper carries out specific analysis from the formation links and different dimensions of college students'social responsibility which is char⁃acterized by imbalance,interested and disparate factors.Finally,combined with the results of the study,the article pus forward tar⁃geted suggestions for colleges and universities to carry out social responsibility education for college students from the three aspects of classroom teaching,colleges,and family-school linkage.
作者 尹娜 李响 徐广鑫 Yin Na;Li Xiang;Xu Guangxin(Tianjin University of Science&Technology,Tianjin 300222,China)
机构地区 天津科技大学
出处 《天津职业大学学报》 2023年第4期91-96,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institute
基金 天津科技大学党建创新立项重点课题“叙事视角下‘讲好中国故事’推动党的创新理论在大学生中入脑入心的实践研究”(主持人:尹娜) 天津科技大学青年教师创新基金“需求导向下推进高校勤工助学科学化发展的对策研究”(编号:2016SZ05,主持人:尹娜)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 时代新人 大学生 社会责任感 调查研究 new generation college students social responsibility investigation and research
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