

The Relationship Network of Xue Xianzhou,the Ping Ming Cooperative Association and Student Societies in the May Fourth Period
摘要 1920年代前期,私立复旦大学商科学生试图寻求社会改造,创建起传播合作主义的学生组织—平民学社。时任复旦教务长的薛仙舟是五四时期中国较早关注合作主义思潮的关键人物,在以薛仙舟为主导,邵力子、戴季陶、汤松等复旦教职员组建起的师生关系网络的影响下,平民学社得以解决学生社团初创时期的经费、印刷及思想等困境,推动合作主义在地方的落地、与国际的联合及上海地区合作联合的开展等,初步构建起传播合作主义、推动合作运动的区域网络。1924年之后因邵力子、张廷灏等的人际关系,邓中夏、唐际盛等革命知识青年参与撰稿,这促使平民学社内部对合作主义的走向产生分歧,多数成员参与国民革命。但是成员始终坚持其“合作共和国”的理想社会,将加入国民革命视为实现合作理想社会的手段,而非最终目的。薛仙舟与平民学社的社交网络在国民政府时期合作运动发展过程中仍产生重要影响。 In the early 1920s,business students at the Fudan University tried to seek social reform and set up a student organization-the Ping Ming Cooperative Association to spread cooperativism.Xue Xianzhou,then dean of Fudan University,was a key figure who paid early attention to the trend of cooperativism in China during the May Fourth Movement.Under the influence of the teacherstudent relationship network established by Shao Lizi,Dai Jitao,Tang Song and other teachers of Fudan University and led by Xue Xianzhou,the Ping Ming Cooperative Association was able to solve the difficulties of funding,printing and thinking in the start-up period,promote the landing of cooperativism in the local area,the association with the international and the development of the Shanghai regional cooperation association,and initially build a regional network for spreading cooperativism and promoting the cooperation movement.After 1924,due to the interpersonal relationship of Shao Lizi and Zhang Tinghao,Deng Zhongxia,Tang Jisheng and other revolutionary intellectuals participated in writing,which prompted disagreements on the trend of cooperativism within the Ping Ming Cooperative Association,and most members went to participate in the Great Revolution.However,the members consistently adhered to their ideal society of"cooperative republic"and regard joining the Great Revolution as a means to realize their ideal society.In the period of Nanjing national government,Xue Xianzhou's social network with the Ping Ming Cooperative Association still had an important impact.
作者 刘璐 Liu Lu
机构地区 华中师范大学
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 北大核心 2023年第8期130-141,共12页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 薛仙舟 平民学社 复旦商科 合作主义 Xue Xianzhou the Ping Ming Cooperative Association Business School of Fudan University cooperativism
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