

Hierarchical spatial pattern of urban agglomeration based on the dynamic and static data:A case study of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend
摘要 开展黄河“几”字弯都市圈的区域社会经济联系与空间格局的系统研究,可为黄河流域高质量发展与黄河“几”字弯都市圈协同发展提供科学支撑。论文将人流、物流和信息流的流空间动态数据与城市自身综合发展实力的静态数据相结合,构建了都市圈多层次空间结构算法,对“动—静”结合视角下的黄河“几”字弯都市圈多层次空间格局进行综合分析。结果发现:①黄河“几”字弯都市圈内人流、物流和信息流联系强度存在一定差异,其中信息流联系最强,且信息流与其他要素流都存在较强的相关性;②黄河“几”字弯都市圈形成了以鄂尔多斯为主导城市,以银川、呼和浩特、太原等为次主导城市的多层次空间格局,并形成了以这些核心城市为中心的区域内小型城市团。未来,黄河“几”字弯都市圈应着重发展鄂尔多斯、太原、呼和浩特、银川等核心城市,加强核心城市辐射能力,并强化各城市间联系强度,推动“几”字弯都市圈由“点”到“轴”再到“面”的城市网络进程。 With the collaborative development of the urban agglomeration of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend,it is of great scientific value to carry out the study of its spatial patterns.With the development of modern transportation,communication,and information technologies,the pattern of flow space based on dynamic element flow has become a research frontier.This study combined traditional static data and dynamic flow spatial data to examine the hierarchical spatial pattern of the urban agglomeration of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend.The static data include the calculated comprehensive strength of the cities in the region,and the dynamic data are related to the dynamic flow space of three types of flows,namely population flow,logistics flow,and information flow.These elements were considered to make a comprehensive assessment of the multi-level spatial pattern of the urban agglomeration of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend.This study found that:1)There are some differences in the strength of spatial linkages among various types of flows in the region,where information flows are the strongest and there are strong linkages between information flows and other elemental flows.2)Ordos is the dominant city in the urban agglomeration of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend,and Yinchuan,Hohhot,Taiyuan,and Wuhai are the secondary dominant cities.Small city clusters centered on these cities have been formed in the region.In the future,the cities in this urban agglomeration should focus on strengthening the overall radiation capacity and spatial linkage strength to promote the rapid,coordinated,and comprehensive development of the urban agglomeration.This will eventually stimulate the urban network development from point to axis,and then to a"surface"in the urban agglomeration of the Yellow River Ji-shaped bend.
作者 王芳 郭梦瑶 牛方曲 WANG Fang;GUO Mengyao;NIU Fangqu(School of Public Management,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010020,China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1243-1255,共13页 Progress in Geography
基金 内蒙古自治区高等学校自然科学重点项目(NJZZ23095) 内蒙古自治区高等学校“青年科技英才支持计划”(NJTY-20-B09) 内蒙古社会科学研究课题(2022EY10)。
关键词 动态数据 静态数据 黄河“几”字弯 空间格局 dynamic data static data Yellow River Ji-shaped bend spatial pattern
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