
中国城市绿色全要素能源效率的区域差异及空间收敛 被引量:11

Regional differences and spatial convergence of green total-factor energy efficiency in Chinese cities
摘要 提升绿色全要素能源效率并实现空间收敛是促进城市经济高质量发展和实现“双碳”目标的关键途径。本文利用单要素能源效率和绿色全要素能源效率评估2003—2019年地级以上城市能源效率的现状,重点考察绿色全要素能源效率的区域差异、来源和分布动态演进规律,并分区域、分城市群检验其空间收敛机制。研究发现:①全国及东、中、西部地区绿色全要素能源效率逐年提升,绝对差异出现不同程度扩大。②全国总体差异以年均5.74%的速度持续增长。中、西部区域内差异高于东部,东-中部地区和东-西部地区区域间差异大于中-西部地区。区域间差异和超变密度对总体差距的年均贡献率达到68.88%。③全国及东、中、西部地区绿色全要素能源效率存在不同的空间极化特征和分布延展性。④全国绿色全要素能源效率和单要素能源效率均表现出较强的空间收敛特征,但单要素能源效率的收敛速度大约是绿色全要素能源效率的6倍。⑤三大区域和六大城市群绿色全要素能源效率具有显著的俱乐部趋同特征,区域收敛速度从大到小是西部>中部>东部,城市群收敛最快的是珠三角城市群。本文为加深对中国绿色全要素能源效率的空间发展格局认知提供了支撑,为缩小绿色全要素能源效率的区域差异提供了新思路。 Improving green total-factor energy efficiency and realizing its spatial convergence is the key way to promote the high-quality development of cities and achieve the"carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals".After innovatively using single-factor energy efficiency and green total-factor energy efficiency to evaluate the current situation of energy efficiency in prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2019,this paper investigates the regional differences and its sources as well as the distribution dynamics of green total-factor energy efficiency,and reveals the spatial convergence mechanism of green total-factor energy efficiency by region and city cluster.The results show that:(1)The green total-factor energy efficiency of the whole country and the eastern,central and western regions shows an upward trend in total,and the absolute differences expand to varying degrees.(2)The overall regional difference in China increases at an average annual rate of 5.74%.The intra-regional differences in the central and western regions are larger than the eastern region,and the inter-regional differences in the eastern-central regions and the eastern-western regions are larger than the central-western regions.Regional disparity and transvariation intensity alternately become the main sources of the overall difference of green total-factor energy efficiency,and their annual average contribution rate to the overall regional difference is 68.88%.(3)There exist different characteristics of spatial polarization and distribution ductility of green total-factor energy efficiency in the whole country and eastern,central and western regions.(4)Both green totalfactor energy efficiency and single-factor energy efficiency in China show the characteristics of spatial convergence,but the convergence speed of single-factor energy efficiency is about 6 times that of green total-factor energy efficiency.(5)Green total-factor energy efficiency in the three major regions and six urban agglomerations show a significant feature of club convergence.The order of convergence speed of the three major regions is western region>central region>eastern region,while the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration has the highest convergence speed among the seven urban agglomerations.This study provides a basis for deepening the understanding of the spatial development pattern of green total-factor energy efficiency in China,and offers policy implications for narrowing the regional differences of green total-factor energy efficiency.
作者 封亦代 刘耀彬 程风雨 FENG Yidai;LIU Yaobin;CHENG Fengyu(School of Management,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205,China;The Coordination and Development Center for Enterprise and Environment of Hubei Province,Wuhan 430205,China;School of Economics and Management,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China;Institute of Regional Economics,Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guangzhou 510410,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期2343-2368,共26页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41871155) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(18ZDA047) 湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目)(HBSK2022YB325)。
关键词 绿色全要素能源效率 区域差异 分布动态 空间收敛 green total-factor energy efficiency regional differences distribution dynamics spatial convergence
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