

A New Exploration of the First Latin Translation of the Four Books in Europe
摘要 在以往东学西渐思想史研究中,德礼贤所发现的罗明坚稿本被认为是最早的四书拉丁文译本,其《大学》部分手稿经波塞维诺整理首次出版于欧洲。然而,该印本与稿本间存在重要差异,反映出译者身份的复杂性。两种拉丁译本间的差异不应简单理解为修辞术语或行文结构层面的区别,而更多地展示出欧洲奥古斯丁主义传统影响下的立场分野。这种分野使得首次进入欧洲的四书呈现错综的历史脉络,透射出早期耶稣会士对华的不同态度。 Michele Ruggieri's manuscripts of Humanae institutionis,originally collected by Antonio Possevino(1533-1611) and discovered later by Pasquale M.D'Elia(1890-1963),was often referred to as the earliest Latin version that appeared in the European context.A study of Possevino's print version claims that there is a minor distinction between the print version and Ruggieri's original manuscripts.However,the difference between the two earliest versions cannot be misinterpreted,as some critics maintained,as a simple distinction between types of terminology and textual structures.Instead,we should understand that Ruggieri's original manuscripts have been adapted by Possevino to a far greater extent and this phenomenon reflects the complexity of the identities of the translators.What is more important,the theological positions underlying the two texts present a radical division which was based on different interpretations of Augustinian theology in Europe:Antonio Possevino held a belief in the typical Augustinian anthropology and the redemption of human desires,reinterpreting the Confucian ethical line of “body-family-country-world” from the perspective of the theological doctrine of the illumination.Contrary to Possevino,Michele Ruggieri presented a conciliatory attitude toward Zhu Xi's doctrine of the ultimate principle of “Li(Reason)” and the Augustinian theology of the Trinity,demonstrating an epistemological approach to the line of “Light-Li-Mind-Nature” in a synthetic mode.While Antonio Possevino's knowledge of Confucianism was grounded upon his Catholic belief of the eschatology and Augustine's doctrine of the two cities,Ruggieri's conciliatory of the Confucian-Augustinian values was closely in association with his own experience of translating Confucian classics and preaching Catholic doctrines in China.Their theological experiences and religious visions differ prominently.Therefore,I argue that the difference of the two earliest versions reveals two possible modes of response to the Confucian ethical values as influenced by the European Augustinian tradition,which reflects early Jesuits' complicated attitudes toward the original emergence of Confucian classics in the Western Catholic horizon as well as their underlying moderation of values during the early Confucian-Christian encounter.
作者 高源 Gao Yuan(Shanghai Jiao Tong University,School of Humanities,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第7期125-136,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部社科基金项目(19YJC720012) 上海交通大学文科创新团队“北欧哲学与文化传播”项目(WKCX029)。
关键词 四书拉丁文首译本 德礼贤 波塞维诺印本 罗明坚稿本 欧洲奥古斯丁主义传统 the first Latin translation of the Four Books Pasquale M.D'Elia Possevino's print version Ruggieri's manuscripts Augustinian tradition in Europe
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  • 1林金水.《利玛窦与中国》[M].中国社会科学出版社,1996年..
  • 2费赖之著 耿昇译.《在华耶稣会士列传及书目》[M].中华书局,1995年.第421页.
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  • 6《晚明基督论》第75页,四川人民出版社,1999年.
  • 7利玛窦.《天主教传人中国史》,刘俊余、王玉川译,台湾光启社,1986年.113页.
  • 81580年11月8日“罗明坚致罗马麦尔古里诺神父书”,罗渔泽.《利玛窦通信集》,台湾光启社,1986年,426页.
  • 9利玛窦记的是1583年9月10日,见《天主教传人中国史》,128页
  • 10罗明坚认为是1583年圣诞节后两日,即1583年12月27日,见《利玛窦通信集》,450页.









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