

Modern Public Opinion Debate:the Presentation,Propaganda Characteristics and Communication Effects of the Russian-UkraineWar on China's Social Media
摘要 [目的/意义]深入剖析俄乌冲突在中国社交媒体上的舆情演化态势,旨在对俄乌战争舆情问题的治理提供参考。[方法/过程]以新闻框架理论作为切口,分析俄乌舆情在新浪微博平台的传播特征,运用朴素贝叶斯模型进一步论证各方战时宣传策略的传播影响力,力图刻画各方势力在中国社交媒体上的传播群像。[结果/结论]从场域层面看,中国官方与民间舆论场呈现了鲜明差异,网民个体情绪高涨,易引发鼓吹战争等一系列情绪性问题;从战时宣传效果层面看,尽管各国在煽动网民情绪方面有一定作用力,但舆论引导和情感动员的效用在不断削弱。 [Purpose/significance]This paper deeply analyzes the evolution situationof public opinion in the Russia-Ukraine conflict on China's social media,so as to provide a reference for the governance of public opinion in the Russian-Ukraine war.[Method/process]The paper takes the news framework theory as the research incision,analyzes the dissemination characteristics of Russian-Ukraine public opinion on Sina Weibo plaform,and uses the naive Bayesian model to further demonstrate the dissemination influence of various wartime propaganda strategies,striving to depict the dissemination groupimage of various forces on Chinese social media.[Result/conclusion]From the perspective of the field level,there are distinct differences between the official and private public opinion fields in China.The individual emotions of netizens are high,which is easy to cause a series of emotionality problems such as advocacy war.From the perspective of wartime propaganda effectiveness,although various countries have played a certain role in inciting the emotions of netizens,the effectiveness of public opinion guidance and emotional mobilization is constantly weakening.
作者 周雅婷 任乐毅 马云科 赵娅 Zhou Yating;Ren Leyi;Ma Yunke;Zhao Ya(School of Digital Media&Design Arts,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100089;Beijing Key Laboratory of Network System and Network Culture,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100089;Wangshi Decheng Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100024)
出处 《情报探索》 2023年第9期61-66,共6页 Information Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“我国青少年网络舆情的大数据预警体系与引导机制研究”(项目编号:20&ZD013) 2022年度北京邮电大学党建和思想政治工作研究会课题“热点微博内容对大学生核心价值观的影响研究”(项目编号:ZD202207)成果。
关键词 俄乌战争 驻华机构 舆情焦点 传播效果 舆情治理 Russia-Ukraine war embassy in China public opinionsentiment communication effect management of public opinion
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